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1. Superman's Day Off 

At Superman's request, the Daily Planet prints a story regarding Superman taking a day off. Perry however felt that it might encourage the criminals, but Superman believes it'll also encourage people to step up and help each other. 

The Titan Atlas asks Superman to take his burden 

to keep the heavens afloat while he attends his

daughter's wedding. He told Supes it weighs more

than he can lift, advising him to take the burden with

all his heart rather than with his strength. As he feels

the weight too heavy to bear, Superman struggles to

keep the heavens afloat, and some of the citizens and

other superheroes step up to help Metropolis since

Superman helped in the past are returning the favor.

Atlas returns and thanks Superman for moments of

joy he'll never forget. After he relieves Supes, he states

that he wouldn't want to transfer his burden to anyone,

but it's good to know others will help. A child later looks at the day's Daily Planet edition talking about Metropolis' citizens stepping up to hemp and wishes he could be a hero too. Clark then buys a copy for him and tells him to believe he can be, before revealing to him that he is Superman. This story hits hard on many levels to show how strong Superman is and the real impact he makes in the world.

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Super Honorable Mention

2. The Death & Return of Superman 

Outside of Action Comics #1, this is probably the most important & greatest Superman story of all time. The Earth was introduced to a great force of nature that appeared nigh unstoppable in facing the immovable object. And from this encounter, not only a shattered second-rate Justice League but we as fans discovered that even a Superman can be killed. Without a doubt, this was one of Superman's greatest challenges and thus important to read. The completed multi-issue story arc, with Funeral for a Friend and Reign of the Supermen, was given the title The Death and Return of Superman. 

10. Action Comics #500 

Starting off with something simple & basic and this giant-sized issue, recalling everything you need to know about Superman - Krypton, Superbaby, Superboy, Smallville, Metropolis, Krypto, Supergirl, even his greatest loves, and a few of his dastardly enemies, one of them (not so surprisingly "guess who"?) behind the entire plot, involving a Superman Museum, throughout the issue.

3. Man of Steel v1 #1-6 

Six-issue mini-series following Crisis on Infinite Earths and the rebooting of reality in a singular universe, it was decided that a story was needed to make Superman relevant to the modern age, and this series is the definitive work that made the Man of Steel once again relevant to contemporary readers while paying homage to readers of old who had held Superman near and dear to their hearts. Required reading for any Superman fan or someone intrigued by the Man of Tomorrow.

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In Mysteries of Love in Space Vol 1 #1, told through a love letter Lois hands Clark about how he spent years and everyday day in and day out fooling the world with his glasses, but over the years she realized there's more to Clark deep down being a sad alien man who lies to everyone in his life and doesn't know how to be a person. This story reminds readers about what makes Superman human.

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With Henry Cavill no longer Superman there will be a new Man of Steel for James Gunn's DCU. If the next MoS actor wanted to harness the true essence of Superman/Clark Kent what would be his source material? So I compiled 10 canonical Superman stories (mostly post-crisis) an actor or comic/movie writer could brush up on. 

     --The Geekpin

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6. Of Thee I Sing 

In Hitman v1 #34, Tommy Monaghan is sitting atop a roof, reading a magazine about Superman, when Superman lands on the rooftop. Superman apologizes for intruding and introduces himself. Superman tells Tommy that he failed on his mission. Feeling guilty for not being able to save an astronaut he came to Gotham to talk to Batman about things, but Batman said something typically cryptic and brushed off Superman for some work. Tommy comforts Superman, reminding him what a hero he is. Feeling better, Superman apologizes for taking up so much of Tommy's time, autographs his magazine, and flies away.

4. What's so Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way? 

Another storyline that will be a focal point for Superman: Legacy. A new team of superheroes emerges ready to take lethal actions. As the popularity of the team increases, Superman wonders if the world has outdated him. Superman is conflicted and starts to think that maybe the world moved on and he fights a lost cause! 

8. For the Man Who has Everything 

The Man of Steel put through one of his greatest trials by succumbing to a vegetative state under curse of the Black Mercy administered by Mongul. This story shows Superman's greatest desire and it's something that will help said actor to get a deep look in the Man of Steel.

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5. Superman Exile  

Superman's decision to self-exile after feeling he was dangerous to the people of Earth. Now he's on a journey throughout the cosmos in the hope that he'll never do harm to anyone again. Making a life for himself among the stars and strange new worlds, Kal runs across new foes and old adversaries before deciding whether or not his exile was the right move or not. Thdramatic intensity in looking at the internal problems facing the Man of Tomorrow is how he believes he fits with Earth's society and is a great tale of personal ostracism and redemption. Being that the story is taking place primarily outside of Earth makes it especially stand out as well. This a must-read for anyone who is under the mistaken impression that Superman has never grappled with the implications of whether he is truly a burden or a help to Earth. 

7. New Krypton 

Speaking of desires, this story is great for James Gunn's movie because it shows what Superman would do if Kandor was actually restored to full size and presents Supes with the question "Kryptonian or human" which Superman has to find a way to deal with the warmongering Kryptonians and the skeptical humans who don't like the idea of thousands of Supermen flying around their planet. 

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9. Superman Secret Origins 

A six-issue monthly series of an updated "definitive" telling of the origin story of Superman, dealing with his life in Smallville, his first adventure with the Legion of Superheroes, his friendship with Lex Luthor, and his arrival in Metropolis and at the Daily Planet.