-Silhouette and her brother Aaron Chord (Midnight's Fire) are mutants with magical powers gained from the bloodline of their mother, a member of a temple cult in Southeast Asia who married an African-American soldier from the Vietnam War. She manipulates the Darkforce, having the power to teleport, hide in shadows, and more. She is also a paraplegic, having been paralyzed from the waist down by a bullet injury sustained tracking drug gangs early in her career. Years later, Silhouette joins with the New Warriors as an adventurer full-time.
First Appearance: New Warriors #2
9. Xorn
Honorable Mentions
-I-Ching is the last surviving member of an ancient sect, whose monastery was hidden high in the mountains. After Wonder Woman
surrendered her powers, the powerless Diana Prince acquired I-Ching as her mentor. Under I-Ching's guidance, Diana trained her body as a weapon and learned martial arts and weapons skills.
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #179
-Mai Miyazaki was a Japanese environmentalist who was murdered by operatives of the Shogun Oil Company. Mai died but was reborn as the Water Elemental Naiad. She destroys the drilling rig but oil and other chemicals which spill into the waters poison her, and drive her mad. Enraged and out of control Naiad attacks Firestorm because he is the incarnation of fire, and the last thing she remembers is death by fire.
First Appearance: Firestorm #90
3. Sunpyre
-Leiko Tanaka is a member of the Japanese super-team, Big Hero 6. GoGo Tomago was first intended to appear with the rest of Big Hero 6 in Alpha Flight #17. However, the team first appeared in their own self-titled three-issue miniseries which due to scheduling issues, was published before Alpha Flight #17. She has a Battlesuit granting her the ability to transform her body into an explosive ball of energy.
First Appearance: Sunfire & Big Hero 6 #1
2. Timeslip
10. Dr. Light II
-Xombi was a Korean-American scientist named David Kim from West Orange, New Jersey. He developed a nanotechnological virus capable of extensive tissue regeneration. Before David Kim could test his invention, a villain named Dr. Sugarman broke into his lab and tried to steal the virus. In the fight, Kim was critically injured, and his assistant Kelly injected him with the virus in an attempt to save his life. However, since the nanites used available matter to restore Kim, Kelly—who had laid his body on her lap—was partially "devoured" by the nanites. Kim became a "xombi" - a potentially immortal, technologically enhanced human being. This embroiled him in the affairs of various races of supernatural beings that secretly lived among humanity for millennia, known collectively as the shadow worlds.
First Appearance: Xombi #0
7. I-Ching
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-Kuan-Yin's mutant power manifested causing his normal head to be burned away by a tiny star. He was able to use these abilities in many ways (Magnetokinesis, Light Generation, Gravity Manipulation,
Self Sustenance, Healing, Death Perception & Floating) but was kept isolated given the dangerous nature of his powers. He wore a mask of iron that safeguarded others from the effects of his powers.
First Appearance: New X-Men Annual 2001
-Kimiyo Hoshi is the second Doctor Light in DC Comics, though she is not a successor to the original nor a villain. She has been a member of the Justice League Europe and the Justice League of America. Her powers are Light transformation (light form/mimicry); Flight; Photokinesis; Hard light constructs; Force field generation.
First Appearance: Crisis on Infinite Earths #4
5. Xombi
-The Collective Man is a Chinese superhero who is actually an identity shared by the Tao-Yu (Sun, Chang, Ho, Lin, and Han) brothers, a set of quintuplets. They possess the mutant power to merge into one body, which variously possesses the collective abilities of all five men or all the people of China. The brothers also share a psychic/spiritual link that allows them to telepathically communicate and teleport to one another.
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #250
-Isumi Yasunari is a human solar battery, recharging his powers from sunlight. He can create solar winds, heat, and light. His power over magnetic fields enables him to fly. Later on, he joins with Doctor Mist, Jack O'Lantern, and Owlwoman together and he helps the three heroes reform the Global Guardians.
First Appearance: Super Friends #8
(He was introduced in mainstream continuity in DC Comics Presents
8. GoGo Tomago
4. Collective Man
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Geekpin Entertainment
1. Silhouette
6. Rising Sun
-One day, Rina Patel accidentally sent herself forward in time (although she had been aiming backward) to a point where she was a member of the New Warriors after seeing a news report on television about the team. Soon after, she would have more visions, and these would show her the death of the New Warrior Speedball. This led her to seek out the team and warn them of his impending doom. Rina Patel is an Indian mutant, born with special superhuman strength, durability, time-manipulating powers, time-traveling abilities, and superspeed.
First Appearance: New Warriors #59
-Leyu is Shiro Yoshida's (aka Sunfire) younger sister. It seems that their father Saburo remarried after the death of Shiro's mother. At some unknown time, it was revealed that Leyu possessed similar mutant powers. She took the identity of Sunpyre.
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #392
Shout out to Darth-Kaoru for being the only person to cosplay as Sunprye.
Hey hot geeks & geekettes, we're back with another Top 10 list for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! We made a list of 10 Asian superheroes you may not know or who aren't very popular.