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This a segment where we talk about possible earlier appearances in comics than what the so-called officials state. 

--The Geekpin

I hope you enjoy this little bit of info. Don't forget to follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can follow me personally on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks again. Stay geeky, gang.

​  --The Geekpin

Let's go back a tiny further to Dark Days: The Casting #1 where this would be The Batman Who Laugh's earliest appearance where him and the other Dark Knights are all behind the scene. They again show up as shadowy figures in Dark Nights Metal #1 (1st Robins).

Fun Facts

-The character's name was influenced by two silent films that inspired Bob Kane and Bill Finger to create both Batman and the Joker: "The Bat" (1926) and "The Man Who Laughs" (1928).

​-The Batman Who Laughs is referred to as "Laughs" by Devastator in Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt Vol 1 1. This is the only appearance of a nickname for The Batman Who Laughs to date. 

-The Batman Who Laughs is an alternate skin for Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat 11 in the Kombat Pack.

​-Laughs was revealed to be the victor in the category of "Villain of the Year", which was decided through votes cast by fans.

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Zapp Comics, Comic Shop, New Jersey, Omega Red

Today we will talk about The Batman Who Laughs' real first appearance because CGC and The Market ignore it. As The Market & CGC proclaims his first appearance (or first full per se) is Teen

Titans V6 #12 (1st Damian Wayne

[Earth -22]), but that's wrong. At the very

least it's BWL's first official cover. 

Most comic sellers don't read comics. When

I go to comic shows, I always hear a dealer

say "Someone said this was the first

appearance" or, "It said the first appearance

on eBay". Like you're selling something you're

not sure about AND you want top dollar for it.

Get real, do your research folks. Even the

best of us who do read comics heavily will

miss things.

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True First: The Batman Who Laughs

According to BWL's creator Scott Snyder he told the fans that BWL's first full appearance in Dark Nights Metal #2 (1st full Barbartos & The Dark Knights). The other reason why fans ignored Snyder because TT #12 came out the same week and has a lower print run. Teen Titans doesn't have a high print, to begin with, and that issue was a Tie-In. If you read Dark Nights Metal #2 the story clearly takes place before Teen Titans #12 which would make DNM #2 the winner. Them claiming DNM #2 is a cameo is bullshit too, BWL speaks quite a bit and seen in multiple panels. 

-The Batman Who Laughs #1: This issue details the origin of the Batman Who Laughs, as well as how he joined the Dark Knights. Also, 1st Over-Monitor.

Twilite Zone Comics, Geekpin Entertainment, Glen Burnie, Maryland, Comic Shops