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Geekpin Entertainment
Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #1
Creative Team: Jonathan Hickman (W) Marco Checchetto (A)
ULTIMATE UNIVERSE! Visionary writer Jonathan Hickman and
acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto bring you a bold new take
on Spider-Man, with this, the debut title of the new line of
Ultimate Comics! After the events of ULTIMATE INVASION,
the world needs a hero...who will rise up to take on that
responsibility? Prepare to be entangled in a web of mystery and
excitement as the all-new ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN comic
redefines the wall-crawler for the 21st Century!
Score: 7.0 (Fine/Very Fine-- 40[?] pages of beautiful art wasted
on talking. There's no action and no Spider-Man. If you want a
comic with a lot to read then this is the comic for you. Sidenote: I
think Miles will probably go back to his universe.)
Rise of the Powers X #1
Creative Team: Kieron Gillen (W) RB Silva (A)
Ten years ago, the mutants returned from their exile to try and
reclaim the Earth from the forces of Orchis. They failed. Now,
within the victorious Orchis with their gauntlet choking the
world, Nimrod and Omega Sentinel put their plan within a
plan into action. They are to summon their binary god to
consume everything in their accession. All that stands between
them is the X-Men. What can they do? They're the X-Men.
They'll find a way. That's their power. So begins a story beyond
time and space, with the rise of powers beyond our petty
human intelligence.
Score: 6.5 (Fine Plus-- Story felt like the Krakoa era of
Days of Future Past. A Lot of characters died. Marvel still
pushing the Kamala Khan agenda with her becoming Captain Krakoa. To reboot the X-Men
universe they're doing the obvious thing.)
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First Issue!! Week- 1/10/24
(Buy at your own risk)
Giant-Size Spider-Man #1
Creative Team: Cody Ziglar (W) Iban Coello (A)
DYLAN BROCK, A.K.A. VENOM, has a bone...or a brain...to
pick with MILES MORALES! This is a GIANT-SIZED spidey
story that can't be missed! And this is just the first of more
exciting GIANT-SIZE one-shots featuring your favorite
characters releasing through the first half of this year! PLUS:
Includes a reprinting of ULTIMATE COMICS: SPIDER-MAN
#22 by Spidey-legends Brian Michael Bendis and Sara
Pichelli featuring the epic conclusion of Miles' first battle with
Ultimate Venom!
Score: 7.0 (Fine/Very Fine-- For $7 you're literally getting
Spider-Man vs Venom & a reprint issue. Save your money.)
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