Jackpot #1

Creative Team: Celeste Bronfman (W) Joey Vazquez (A)


Mary Jane Watson, A.K.A. JACKPOT, gets her first solo super

story since her debut in ASM #31! New York City is in chaos as

the super-powered criminal gangs are at war, and it's all hands

on deck! It's a baptism by fire, but, come on, this is Mary Jane.

What CAN'T she handle?!

Score: 8.5 (Very Fine Plus--Decent story, great art. Just a pointless one-shot filler to buy during an event where it has no

real purpose and if it does in the future it should've been told in Amazing Spider-Man instead of the BS story that was told in

#39 with Spidey & She-Hulk fighting random monsters.​

1st Issue!! Week 1/17/24 

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Avengers Twilight #1

Creative Team: Chip Zdarsky (W) Daniel Acuna (A)

Synopsis: In a gleaming new world of prosperity, Captain America is no more. But Steve Rogers still exists, floating through an America where freedom is an illusion, where THE AVENGERS are strangers and his friends are long dead. But is the Dream? How do you assemble Avengers in a world that doesn't want them? PLUS: A behind-the-scenes look at the making of this issue!

Score: 4.0 (Very Good--Alternate reality book for so the lack of creativity is already low and a total waste of $5.99. Just bring back the What If? series if you want to tell alternate reality stories. I'm not a fan of Acuna's art. Just buy the Skottie Young cover and take the L on a crappy story.)

Cable v5 #1

Creative Team: Fabian Nicieza (W) Scot Eaton (A)


All the signs are here: The Neocracy is coming - and with it comes not only the end of mutant-kind but all of humankind as well! As if rescuing Young Nate from the ongoing threat of Orchis weren't enough, can Cable root out this growing threat and decimate it before the Neocracy has a chance to take hold? But is he already too late to change the future?

Score: 7.0 (Fine/Very Fine--Haven't read a Cable comic in eons but this wasn't too bad. Outside of rescuing his stupid-looking younger self, I don't know much but I'll read #2 to know if I really want to keep reading it.)

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Cobra Commander #1

Creative Team: Joshua Williamson (W) Andrea Milana & Annalisa Leoni (A)

Synopsis: Miniseries Premiere

The Rise of Cobra Begins HERE. In a world where the Cobra

organization hasn’t formed, one man’s sinister plans to utilize

the mysterious alien substance known as Energon send

shockwaves across the globe. Who is Cobra Commander?

Where does he come from? And what horrors is he planning

to unleash that will rock the world – and maybe the universe –

to its core? Red-hot writer JOSHUA WILLIAMSON and artist

ANDREA MILANA kicks off the second of four action-packed

miniseries that will introduce the best and worst humanity has

to offer in the Energon Universe.

Score: 9.8 (Near Mint Plus--Best comic of the week! This is

the retelling of the animated origin of Cobra Commander. Great

art for the tone especially the coloring. It's violent in a nice subtle way for censorship. The ending reveal was the best part. I ended up re-watching the intro to G.I. Joe The Movie. Best animated intro ever!​ A lot of great variants! Buy 'em all!)

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Every week we 3-5 first or #1 issue comic that was released on New Comic Book Day. So expect some spoilers.

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Hellblazer Dead in America #1

Creative Team: Si Spurrier (W) Aaron Campbell (A)

Synopsis: ​John Constantine has cheated death once again--but

his heart's not beating, his body is decaying, and he, his friend

Nat and his son Noah are on the run in America, wanted for

murder. Naturally, it's all John's fault--it always is. But as it turns

out, Dream himself needs John's help. Something terrible has

taken root in America, and it's using the sand from Dream's

pouch to impose its will. If John can put a stop to it, he might be

able to parlay that favor into a chance to save all their lives--but

he's going to need help from someone he hasn't spoken to in

years. Someone he wasn't always...all that kind to. Someone...or


Score: 9.2 (Near Mint Minus--Like the story plot. I don't care for the art outside of John talking to Sandman.

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