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Geekpin Entertainment
-My Thoughts: Every time I read a Captain America story by Michael Straczynski it is always a Timepiece story and has Nazis in it. I assume that he just likes that era of Captain America and wishes he was still living in it per se. So anyway the apartment building Captain America lives in is up for sale I guess of all the damages that be happening to it cuz Cap lives there. So the owner figures it's not worth keeping so Cap calls Tony Stark to get a loan out of his Avengers stock or something. Steve bought the building and became the new owner. As he's fixing up the building he reminisces about the place and the neighborhood when he was a child growing up by himself. In between Cap living in the present at reminiscing about the past, two years ago two men (Manuel Castillo & old ass Travis Lane) out in South America are exploring in the jungle. Camping at an ancient temple demon entity emerges from Manuel and engulfs Travis. A month later in Bangkok, a younger Travis Lane recruits a woman named Arianna Walters from A.I.M. (Advanced Ideas Mechanics) to help him in his grand scheme. Thus the story turns back to the present day where a weary Steve Rogers starts to think about the past again when he was hungry and went to this rally to get free food and shockingly the rally is being held by German Americans.
To find out how Travis changed the past so advancedly you gotta read issue 2 (which I will be). Not a bad story but I never cared about the Golden Years of Captain America.
-Score: 6.0 (Fine)
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Captain America #1
Creative Team: Straczynski (W) & Saiz (A)
Decades ago, Steve Rogers changed the world forever. Now powerful and insidious forces are assembling to ensure he never does it again. Past, present, and future collide as the man out of time reckons with an existential threat determined to set the world on a darker path at any cost…
Predator vs. Wolverine #1
Creative Team: Ben Percy (W) &
Ken Lashley/Greg Land (A)
The bloodthirsty saga you’ve been waiting for! Wolverine has lived one of the longest and most storied lives in Marvel Comics history. Now witness the untold greatest battles of Logan’s life – against a Predator! One Yautja seeks the greatest prey in existence – and finds it in Weapon X. From the blood-ridden snows of the Canadian wilderness to the sword-slinging streets of Madripor, Wolverine and a Predator break everything in their paths on their way to the ultimate victory…or glorious death.
Wonder Woman #1
Creative Team: Tom King (W) & Daniel Sampere (A)
After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government started a task force, the Amazon Extradition Entity (A.X.E.), to remove those who don't comply, by any means necessary. Now, in her search for the truth behind the killing, Wonder Woman finds herself an outlaw in the world she once swore to protect!
-My Thoughts: I want to say off the jump I love the art and this comic. Especially with the two pages to the side. Also, the art
reminds me of the good old
days of Clay Mann. So now for
the story...is Tom King supposed
to be Sergeant Steel 😂??? I
don't know what is up with all
these modern writers who
always inject themselves and
their opinions as a staple
character in the stories they
write. You throw off their
characteristics and make them
feel unfamiliar to hardcore readers. Then I remember this is not for hardcore readers this is for the noobs who don't follow said characters/title but the writer. Any hoot, this is supposed to be Tom King's Dark Knight version of Wonder Woman, and the villain The Sovereign is going to be a Joker-level type villain. To be honest, the art and the visual layouts are so amazing that it'll keep me reading this book until I completely hate the story.
-Score: 7.5 (Very Fine-)
New segment here on the site! Every week we'll be reviewing 2-3 first or #1 issue comic that was released on New Comic Book Day. So expect some spoilers and some highlights from the comics.
First Issue!!- Week 9/20/23
-My Thoughts: This book is pretty much an origin story
of how Wolverine met and fought the Predators over the
last 100+ years and they keep coming back for revenge
from what it looks like so far. The story's not bad so far
the art is pretty good but the one thing I never liked in
any Wolverine or X-Men comic is how modern writers
use his Healing Factor. They keep making his Healing
Factor way too overpowered like how his body was
melted down to his skeleton or how he regrew his body
back from a thumb and all types of crazy dumb junk.
And this issue half his freaking (holding my tongue)
shoulder is gone and the thing that bothers me is
his Healing Factor will regenerate the whole shoulder
and the actual Adamantium which he shouldn't be able to freaking (still holding my tongue) do because if that was the case Wolverine from the Age of Apocalypse wouldn't be missing a hand because his Healing Factor would've regrown it back and that's what I don't like cuz modern writers (and editors) who don't know the characters power sets and how they work fully. Luckily I'm not letting this affect the story in any way (I lied 😈).
-Score: 8.5 (Very Fine+)