-My Thoughts: F.Y.I. I don't know much about Alice Cooper but Rodney Barnes usually writes good stories so I had to check this out. So basically Lucifer

wants his music to be genuinely admired by all the

musical greats (great & interesting cameo tributes) and

so on in Hell. Prince pretty much snuffed him on the

low saying Lucifer ain't good and never will be as good

as his peers. So he's been taking out all the "hot acts" in

the living world between the ages of 45-67. The only

person left to stand in his way is Alice Cooper. Lucifer

sent his minions to do away with Cooper but they learned

the legend of him being a demon slayer was true. So

Lucifer has to go into Thanos mode to end Alice Cooper.

A good story like I thought it would be. The art is simple

and captures the likeness of all the real-life characters.

I liked how Richard Pryor opened for Lucifer's concert too.

I found the vibrational tune bit interesting because Grant

Morrison (named dropped twice in the same article 😏)

wrote something similar to defeat the rogue angels in his JLA run. If you're an Alice Cooper or horror fan definitely check this comic out.

-Score: 9.8 (Near Mint-Mint)

Every week we'll be reviewing 2-3 first or #1 issue comic that was released on New Comic Book Day. So expect some spoilers and some highlights from the comics.

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent,

-My Thoughts: This comic was surprisingly good. The art was good. The characters were good. The little origin story between the main character and the chick who kinda looks like Pom Klementieff had me in my feels. Want to point out the main character Wyn kinda reminds me of Doctor Who if he was Sorcerer Supreme. This comic is a little complex to try to explain frame by frame. But what I do like about this comic is the story itself feels like an event book. The universe was literally in the greatest of all danger. EVERY magic and 

science person all gathered to take on this new threat that was literally going to rewrite the universe but it was all solved in this contained issue. I honestly thought this was gonna be some 5 issues beyond bullshit that we were going to be reading. I really like that threat felt big and was contained into a single issue versus being dragged on for 6 plus issues like most modern writers do within the past few years. It reminded me of the good old days when Grant Morrison wrote JLA. No page in this comic was wasted within the storytelling. With it costing $9.99 the purchase didn't feel like a waste. With low retail orders, this comic's high-end ratio variants should have some decent value to them.

-Score: A surprising 9.8 (Near Mint-Mint)

First Issue!! Week 10/4/23 

Transformers #1

Creative Team: Darren Warren Johnson (W/A) & Mike Spicer (C)

-Synopsis: Optimus Prime was supposed to have led the Autobots to victory. Instead, the fate of Cybertron is unknown, and his allies have crash-landed far from home, alongside their enemies-the Decepticons. As these titanic forces renew their war on Earth, one thing is immediately clear: the planet will never be the same. New alliances are struck. Battle lines are redrawn. Humanity’s only hope for survival is Optimus Prime and the Autobots.

-My Thoughts: Prior to the comic's release, groundwork was laid for the series in the first issue of Void Rivals, which featured a guest appearance by Jetfire. Notably, Skybound's acquisition of the license had not yet been formally announced at the time, with the aforementioned Jetfire appearance acting as a surprise reveal. Like many past 

Transformers stories, the book starts with the Autobots and Decepticons crash-landing on Earth. Jetfire uses Teletran-One to repair all the broken Transformers inside the ship. Starscream is the first to be revived and begins resuming their war by blowing up a broken Bumblebee's head with his arm cannon. Optimus Prime is the next to be revived (Teletran-One is randomly reviving between the Autobots and the Decepticons) and comes right out the gate like the total badass that he is. It would be best to really read it yourself cuz the art action speaks for itself. The art is very indie-ish to me but the coloring makes this art style work for this series. I highly recommend you get this comic and buy all the variants you can. It's definitely worth collecting too. Be sure to grab the second print variants on November 1, 2023(?).

-Score: 9.8 (Near Mint-Mint)

Marvel G.O.D.S. #1 

Creative Team: Hickman (W) & Valerio Schiti (A)


Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event. The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties. Don't look under the table. There's a John Wilkes Booth penny on the ground. This ENORMOUS EXTRA-SIZED first issue features DOCTOR STRANGE, who, while not boring at all, is easily the most boring person in the book.

Geekpin Entertainment, #RodeneyBarnes, #AliceCooper, #DynamiteComics
Geekpin Entertainment, #RodeneyBarnes, #Prince, #AliceCooper, #DynamiteComics

Note:Sorry for the delay. I was sick for the past few days. 

Geekpin Entertainment, G.O.D.S., Marvel, PomKlementieff, JonathanHickman

First ever perfect week score. A lot of good reads to break your wallet with if you include variants. 😅

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Alice Cooper v2 #1

Creative Team:Rodney Barnes (W) & Edu Menna (A)

-Synopsis: Legendary rock acts are finding

themselves attacked by demonic forces. The

police investigate, but there's little to nothing

they can do to stop the problem. At the same

time, Alice Cooper has a new album out and is

in the midst of a promotional tour. It's great to

see all his fans again, but there's a disturbing

trend happening in every city - more and more

of his audience appear to be undead!

Complicating matters, when he goes to bed at

night he ventures into the Nightmare Place.

When he awakens, he's in another city standing

before a throng of fans, where he meets the

Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel tells him there's a

great music club called Burning Meat where the

souls of legendary musicians hang out, watching

the headliner - Lucifer - play his own personal

style of rock music to the raucous applause of the demons in attendance. Now, Lucifer wants to take the show to Earth and the only thing stopping him is... Alice freakin' Cooper!

Transformers, Skybound, Geekpin Entertainment
Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent,

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