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Holy Roller #1
Creative Team: Rick Remender, Andy Samberg, Joe Trohman (W) Roland Boschi (A)
Everyone was sitting around wondering when comedy
legend ANDY SAMBERG would join super-star writer
to write a comic about a vigilante hero who smashes
people's faces with a bowling ball—and everyone’s
dreams have come true! With art by ROLAND BOSCHI!
To care for his ailing father, pro bowler Levi Coen is
forced to quit his dream job and return to his hometown,
which he soon discovers has been overrun by
Neo-Nazis! With only his bowling ball collection to
defend himself, Levi becomes THE HOLY ROLLER, a
trick bowling ball-wielding Jewish superhero battling to
liberate his home and bowl a perfect game against
crime! Kingpin meets Inglourious Basterds meets Batman
(that old chestnut) with equal parts action and humor in
this special introductory issue with 42 full pages of story!
Two issues for the price of one! Three writers for the price
of one! Same great low price!
Score: 9.4 (Near Mint--So for the record I never read the description for any comic I read. If the cover catches my attention I'll read it. So with that being said...I'm expecting Holy Roller to be about a bowler who is a serial killer or a theme Power Ranger 😅. The comic starts off with this guy winning a bowling tournament and his son is getting picked on by a bully and gets kicked out of the bowling alley because he forfeited playing a game to go celebrate his dad's bowling victory. 20 years later the son is on a boat somewhere in Northern Japan and learns his dad is about to pass away. So he flies back to his hometown in Ohio and all of a sudden the story became about hating Jews. I'm like where the frell did this come from? To know what happened you gotta read issue 2. The art is decent and the story was okay til it got into the Jew-hating. I'm aware this is a comic but I don't like seeing people getting hurt for being different).
Daredevil Black Armor #1
Creative Team: DG Chichester (W) Netho Diaz (A)
Synopsis: BACK IN BLACK!
D.G. Chichester returns to Hell's Kitchen to spin an all-new DAREDEVIL story set during his landmark run with the character! Joined now by rising star NETHO DIAZ with covers by industry legend MARK BAGLEY, this is one DAREDEVIL series you can't afford to miss!
Score: 9.6 (Near Mint Plus--Great art. Solid story but the flaw for me it's taking place in the past. Luckily the current runs have been good so I'll give it a strong pass).
P.S.- If you can find and afford it pick up the 1:25 variant. That shit slaps harder than a Chargin' Chuck from Super Mario World.
Geekpin Entertainment
First Issue!! Week 11/22/23
Titans Beast World Evolution #1
Creative Team: Marv Wolfman, Bob Haney, Leah Williams (W) George Perez, Bill Molno, Marguerite Sauvage (A)
It's not easy being green, but Garfield Logan has made
the best of it. After contracting a rare disease as a child,
he underwent an experimental genetic treatment that
granted him the incredible ability to shape-shift into any
animal at will. As Beast Boy, Gar has saved the world as
a member of the Titans more times than he can count...
but soon he could be the one to destroy it all! See where
it all began in this special one-shot collecting Teen Titans
#5, Tales of the New Teen Titans #3, and a story from
Action Comics #1051. Each reveals a piece of Beast
Boy's past that could hold the key to saving the future!
Score: 1.0 (Poor--Not paying $6.99+ to read a bunch of reprints. DC lost their freaking minds.)
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(Buy at your own risk)
Marvel's Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #1
Creative Team: Tom DeFalco (W) Pat Olliffe (A)
Get ready for an ALL-NEW cataclysmic battle from when
SPIDER-MAN first got his ALIEN COSTUME, when a
mysterious being called the BEYONDER assembled
superheroes and villains from Earth to do battle on a
patchwork planet - yes, witness now an untold adventure
set during the original SECRET WARS! MARVEL SUPER
HEROES SECRET WARS set the standard for Marvel
Comics events (as well as action figures and the characters
existing at the forefront of pop culture), and this new story
will at last reveal some secret connections and MISSING
CHARACTERS going back to the 1984 original series, just
in time for its 40th Anniversary! What SECRET TEST is the
BEYONDERS conducting...and how will SPIDER-MAN, the
HUMAN TORCH, and the whole cast determine the fate of
the universe?
Score: 1.0 (Poor--There's no need for extra stories that don't matter. Plus the interaction between Torch & Spidey is off from the original series. Waste of reading time & money).
Batman Off-World #1
Creative Team: Jason Aaron (W) Doug Mahnke & Jaime Mendoza (A)
Synopsis: A routine night in Gotham City for a young
Batman proves to be anything but routine when the
crime-fighter is confronted with a sort of foe he's never
faced before--one from beyond the stars! A universe
of possible alien threats leads Batman to make a
daring decision--to venture alone into the far reaches
of the cosmos for the very first time, where the Dark
Knight will face the fight of his life! Jason Aaron
delivers his first Batman story ever, partnered with
artist Doug Mahnke for a unique, brutal tale!
Score: 9.8 (Near Mint/Mint--This book takes place
in Batman's early years probably around late year
two-three. The art was great. Batman using a
chainsaw & mopping the floor was interesting. This
would be in the recommend section but honestly,
there are SO MANY Batman books out and they're all overly expensive some hardcore fans like myself have Batfatigue. I'm shocked this book cost $3.99. This is probably the first non-kiddie Batman title that cost $3.99 in the last year or two. Lastly, like Daredevil Black Armor all the good/passable comics either take place in the past or are out of continuity.)