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DC's 'Twas The 'Mite Before Christmas #1

Creative Team: Natalie Abrams, Michael W. Conrad, Josh Trujillo, Ethan Sacks, Zipporah Smith, Rob Levin, Sholly Fisch, and Jillian Grant Art by Marcus Smith, Gavin Guidry, Andrew Drilon, Soo Lee, Juan Bobillo, and others (W) Various (A)

Synopsis: 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through

the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a...Bat-Mite?!

Join all your DC favorites as they take on eight classic holiday

stories! From Constantine and Lex Luthor's Dickensian tale to

Batwoman's puzzling Hanukkah hijinks to your classic

cocoa-swilling Christmas romance switch with Harley and

Amethyst, this book is a perfect companion for cookies by the

fire and extra sour cream on your latkes. So pull up a sled and

get ready for plenty of ho-ho-holiday hope to get you in the spirit

of the season!

Score: 6.0 (Fine-- Various holiday theme stories. Didn't care

for most of them but there's one story, in particular, I want to

point out. The story with Bunker & Extrano is the way superhero

stories featuring gay characters should be. Superheroes being freaking superheroes first! Like if they ever make a JLQ series this is the way it should be written. This was my favorite of the bunch. The Lex Luthor story was ok.)

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Daredevil: Gang War #1

Creative Team: Erica Schultz (W) Sergio Davila (A)


ELEKTRA NATCHIOS, former assassin turned DAREDEVIL, has been recruited by the Amazing Spider-Man to stop New York City from tearing itself apart as every mobster and super villain in town go to war! And Elektra is the only thing standing in the way of Hell's Kitchen's annihilation at the hands of a dangerous new gang - the HEAT - whose violent schemes from the pages of DAREDEVIL unfold!

Score: 9.4 (Near Mint-- Decent story, great art. Out of the 5 Gang War issues so far this is the third best one. Like I said in the past I don't like recommending event books.)

Every week we review 3-5 first or #1 issue comic that is released on New Comic Book Day. So expect some spoilers.

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Spider-Gwen: Smash #1

Creative Team: Melissa Flores (W) Enid Balam (A)


The Mary Janes are off on a four-city tour as the opening act to one of Earth-65's biggest rock bands! Gwen has promised the band that this big break will be all about the music. No web-slinging, just drums. But when a mysterious assassin targets the headliner, Gwen begins to wonder how she got this gig in the first place. Featuring new versions of some of your favorite characters!

Score: 7.5 (Very Fine+-- Not a Spider-Gwen fan but the story wasn't bad. Art is lacking for my taste. This issue has a few great variants.)

(Buy at your own risk)

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First Issue!! Week- 12/13/23 

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Space Usagi v4 #1

Creative Team: Stan Sakai (W) Emi Fujii (A)

Synopsis: The Rabbit Ronin's classic adventure in

space-now in color! As the general of Lord

Shirohoshi's space fleet, it's Usagi's responsibility

to keep the lord and his heir safe. Now tasked with

the education and protection of the lord's heir, Usagi

must remain vigilant at all times to protect the heir

from a murderous plot and an unexpected betrayal.

Score: 9.8 (Near Mint / Mint-- Since I started these

reviews Usagi Yojimbo comics have always been solid

reads. They're simple in terms of art & story and it's

comics all ages can enjoy. I will say if it had killer art I'd

probably give every issue 9.9 or 10. Anyway, hardcore

Star Wars fans would love this series. It's more in style

with the original series with a pinch of Star Trek.)