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Every week we review 3-5 first or #1 issue comic that is released on New Comic Book Day. So expect some spoilers.

​First Issue!! Week- 1/24/24 

Read or NOT

(Buy at your own risk)

The Power Pack: Into The Storm #1

Creative Team: Louise Simonson (W) June Brigman (A)

Synopsis: Alex, Julie, Jack, and Katie Power are super-hero

siblings determined to do their part to protect the world

despite their young age. The problem is that their parents

don't want them to have powers - and can't know that they

do. But when their friend Franklin Richards has a premonition

of a galactic threat hurtling their way, the Power siblings will

have to decide what kind of heroes they want to be - and

what they're willing to give up along the way. Original

creators Louise Simonson and June Brigman return to

explore an exciting new adventure from the early days of


Score: NG (No Grade-- I love my boo Weezy but outside

of Uncanny X-Men #195 I have NO LOVE for Power Pack. So if you're a fan of them go out and read it. So far it's not a one-shot nor a mini possibly.)

#GeekpinEntertainment #FirstIssue #IssueOne #Comics #Marvel #DC #ComicBooks

​Resurrection of Magneto #1

Creative Team: Al Ewing (W) Luciano Vecchio (A)

Synopsis: LIFEDEATH!

​On Krakoa, resurrection from the dead was as easy as

completing a circuit - but Krakoa fell. The time of easy

miracles is over, and only the hard roads are left. Now it

falls to Storm - as the epic conclusion to the Krakoan age

looms - to bring their oldest enemy home to fight against

the FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X...but after all he did, and

all that was done to him, can Magneto bear to return?

Score: 6.5 (Fine Plus-- If you have been here for a while you

know I haven't been reading any new X-titles in YEARS. 

Occasionally I'll take a peek here and there. So with this title 

it's a little confusing cuz Idk how Magneto died nor how close he and Storm have become for her to go on this quest. I like how Storm has become even more of a badass and the art is good. I might re-read this after I recap a few issues to see if my opinion changes overall story-wise once I have a better understanding of what has been going on. Also, I hate the Michael B. Jordan-looking boi [aka Craig]being with Storm [😑 it should've been me dammit! πŸ˜‚].)

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     --The Geekpin

Star Wars: Thrawn- Alliance #1

Creative Team: Timothy Zahn & Jody Houser (W) Andrea Di Vito & Pat Olliffe (A)




TIMOTHY ZAHN teams with STAR WARS veteran


pages of comic books! Watch as ANDREA DI VITO &

PAT OLLIFFE brings the action to life showcasing the

tactical prowess of the galaxy's most dangerous mind!

Score: 8.5 (Very Fine Plus-- Before I jump into this let me

say I dislike this cover cuz the artist made Thrawn look

like Sheldon to me πŸ˜…. Other than that decent art and a

good old time watching Vader & Thrawn clean house and seeing how they first met.)