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30th Anniversary Special:

30 Facts About Power Rangers

This is a special 30th Anniversary Top List for Power Rangers. 30 facts you may or may not know about this morphinominal franchise.

   --The Geekpin

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​​​​1. The original series has the distinction of being the longest-running incarnation, lasting for three years (1993-1996), with the longest-running single main continuity, lasting through Zeo, Turbo, and In Space.

2. Ron Wasserman composed and wrote the original Power Rangers theme song, a 4-minute-long track used for promotion titled "Go Go Power Rangers." The word "go" would also appear in almost all subsequent Power Ranger songs except Dino Thunder and RPM.

3. During the intro sequence for MMPR season one, Jason is seen donning his ranger costume, but the clip preceding it is of Zack's Power Morpher materializing onto his belt.

4. The expression "Morphinominal!" was coined by Kimberly Ann Hart. "It's Morphin Time!" was first spoken by Zordon in the episode "High Five." The expression "Back To Action" was coined by Jason Lee Scott. 

5. Amy Jo Johnson and David Yost did not do martial arts before the show, though both were gymnasts. They took self-defense classes and incorporated their talents into the choreography for the fight scenes. Austin St. John (Jason), Thuy Trang (Trini), and Jason David Frank (Tommy) were all martial artists long before the show. Walter Jones (Zack) also had some training beforehand.

6. The order in which the Ninja Zords and Shogun Zords were acquired was reversed in MMPR season three. In the original source of those two Zord sets, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, the Shogunzords were gained before the Ninjazords. Similarly, since there were only five Rangers in Kakuranger, the White Ninja Falconzord (called Tsubasamaru in Kakuranger) was a separate entity not belonging to any one of them. Ninjor's counterpart did not need a mecha, as he could grow to Zord-size himself.

7. Power Rangers Zeo is the first season:

-To have completely different Ranger suits from the previous season. This was done to match the annual suit change of the Super Sentai series.

-To have its Japanese-created footage be

exclusively from one Super Sentai series. 

Not to feature Billy Cranston in every single

episode. It is also the final season to feature

the character altogether.
-To feature a female Yellow Ranger (Tanya

Sloan) whose gender matches that of her

Sentai counterpart (Juri Nijou).
-To end with the Rangers' powers and

arsenal almost intact. None of the Zords,

weapons, or base powers themselves are seen to be destroyed; only the Zeo Jet Cycles were. As it stands, Zeo is the only season so far to hold this distinction, as every other season features at least part of the arsenal destroyed, be it weapons or zords, or the team retiring at the season's conclusion. However, according to Johnny Yong Bosch, the script for Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie originally had a scene where Adam and Tanya would attempt to rescue Kimberly and Jason, only to have their Zeo powers destroyed underwater.

-To feature an appearance by at least one Ranger from a previous team. This trend would continue until Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
-To feature background songs from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as pure instrumentals without lyrics.
-To feature no single episode featuring the destruction of the Ranger base.

8. Zeo episode 45, "A Mystery to Me," is the series' 200th episode.

9. Power Rangers Zeo #1 is the first and only issue of

a comic book series published by Image Comics. Four

scripts were initially planned out, but Image Comics

lost the license and only one issue was actually

produced. It is unlikely that the cliffhanger ending of

this issue will ever be resolved.

10. An advertisement for a crossover story with the

Zeo Rangers and Image Comics Youngblood 

characters are featured, but the story was never

released due to the cancellation of the book.

11. The Zeo comic is referenced in a roundabout way

during the Akibaranger episode Delusional Imports,

as a "Powerful Rangers" comic was shown. The comic 

image parodied Rob Liefeld and Image comic's

infamous tendency in the 1990s to make overly

cartoonish muscular characters with no grounded or

anatomically realistic proportions. 

12. Power Rangers in Space is the first season:
-To be space-themed, which would carry over to Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
-To feature the Battlizer mode, which would carry over to many subsequent teams, as well as other American-made equipment not used in its Super Sentai counterpart, to better help market the toys that were being sold by Bandai America. 
-To use an orchestral music score, in lieu of the rock music that had been used in the previous seasons.
-To feature a Ranger as a blood relative to a lead villain, as Andros and Astronema were siblings.
-Not to feature any kind of power transfer, as each of the previous seasons featured at least one such moment.
-To have Rangers wearing uniforms when unmorphed.
Where the Rangers do not have a mentor to help advise them.
-To feature the Rangers revealing their identities to the public, something the previous teams were specifically instructed by Zordon never to do. This occurs in the final episode "Countdown to Destruction".
-Not to feature Tommy Oliver.

13. PR In Space is the final season to take place in Angel Grove. The city would make an appearance in "Quasar Quest", the first episode of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, before disappearing from the series until Operation Overdrive's 15th-anniversary special "Once a Ranger".

14. PRIS is the only season to feature a crossover with another franchise, with the episode "Shell Shocked" seeing the Rangers meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from fellow Saban series Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.

15. Power Rangers Lost Galaxy is the first season:
-Not to take place on Earth, instead taking place on the space colony Terra Venture. As such, it is also the first season not to take place in the aforementioned city of Angel Grove, and the first not to feature Angel Grove High School.
-To feature Rangers who are not teenagers or children, but adults with professions.
-Not to have its Rangers equipped with the teleportation ability that previous teams had.
-To feature monsters that can grow on their own without the help of any outside forces.
-To feature Rangers wearing stock clothes while de-morphed. This trend would also continue through Wild Force.

16. Lost Galaxy Episode 7, "Double Duty", is the series' 300th episode.

17. Lost Galaxy presently owns the highest on-screen death toll of the series thus far: Magna Defender, Scorpius, Furio, Treacheron, Villamax, The Guardian, Loyax, Trakeena, Deviot, Captain Mutiny, Barbarax, Stratoforce Megazord, Centaurus Megazord, Torozord, DECA, and Kendrix (though she is revived in the finale).

18. The uniforms for Terra Venture's military are "Federation Body Armors" used in the 1997 film Starship Troopers. Coincidentally, both series feature the protagonists fighting against bugs. 

19. Lightspeed Rescue was the first Power Rangers season with the following traits:
-The Rangers' identities were known to the public from the onset, as opposed to previous incarnations where a Ranger's identity was to be kept secret, revealed only in extreme circumstances.
-The Rangers' powers, Zords, and weapons

were man-made and had no mystical origin

-There was an American-made Power

Rangers-exclusive Ranger with no Super

Sentai counterpart, in the form of the

Titanium Ranger, designed by PLEX. The

lack of a Sentai counterpart is the chief

reason behind Titanium Ranger's long

absence, since in the long-term, making

new footage only for him as well as using Sentai footage of the main five Rangers would have caused the series to go over budget. It also coincides with Saban, known for being extremely frugal, and not willing to take an extra step with his own money.
-The Ranger team was run by a military/public service organization.
-No Alpha robot was featured.

20. Time Force is the first and (currently) the only season to feature a Pink Ranger as the leader. However, Wes was the central protagonist.

21. Time Force was the first series to include

a standard issue sidearm not featured in its

Sentai counterpart. In this case, it is the

Chrono Blaster as the Timerangers did not

have ranged sidearms.

22. Wild Force and Operation Overdrive are

the only seasons from which none of the

cast members have reprised their roles.

23. Wild Force has the highest number of individual Zords featured, at twenty-two.

24. Wild Force "Forever Red" was the first episode to commemorate the anniversary of the Power Rangers franchise.

25. Early in Ninja Storm, it is suggested that all previous series were just comic books thereby retconning them out of the series canon and making Ninja Storm the first "real" Power Rangers series; however, this proved highly controversial and the concept was abandoned. 

26. It was not revealed on-screen what

the acronym RPM stood for, although

the material on the Bandai website stated

it stood for 'Racing Performance Machines'.

(It is also a real-life acronym for Revolutions

Per Minute, which is used to measure

engine speeds.

27. The Super Ninja Steel episode

"Echoes of Evil" confirms that the Dino

Charge series is in a separate universe, similar to Power Rangers RPM.

28. The Dino Charge episode "Sync or Swim" marks the 800th Episode of Power Rangers. 

29. On May 6, 2022, Dino Fury became the first season of Power Rangers to win a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Kids & Family Programming.

30. A common error made in all original footage is the suit neck collars not being properly folded to match the Sentai footage. 

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