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Fun Fact: Fan favorite series but I could never get into this series. Literally forced myself to watch this to understand the fan hype.
Fun Fact: First (and only) series a Pink Ranger was the leader. Second series to have a female leader.
2. In Space
19. Samurai
Fun Fact: One of the few Ranger series that followed its Sentai counterpart.
Fun Fact: Finally got to see the Morphin Masters after 27 years.
Fun Fact: The command base reminds me of a friendlier version of NERV.
Fun Fact: Best intro ever!
5. Dino Thunder
19. Megaforce (& Super Megaforce)
13. Dino Fury
15. RPM
4. Zeo
Fun Fact: This series failed me big time because the Red Rangers & mentor should've been Japanese since they were the head of a samurai clan. This series just felt plain ignore to me culture-wise. I really like the original Sentai series to this.
9. Time Force
Fun Fact: First series a Ranger "died" in.
Fun Fact: Best array of villains within a series!
11. Lightspeed Rescue
Fun Fact: Biggest Ranger team in the franchise.
7. Dino Charge
Fun Fact: First appearance of the Master Morpher. Last series we see Tommy in action. Rest in power, JDF.
30th Anniversary Special:
Power Rangers Series Ranked
Fun Fact: Best team ever!
16. Wild Force
Fun Fact: First real Ranger death in franchise. Skye's father (assumed to be Wes aka Time Force Red) to died in battle.
Fun Fact: R.I.P. Pua Magasiva (Wind Ninja Red).
1. Mighty Morphin
6. Ninja Storm
20. Jungle Fury
Fun Fact: I heard a lot of people like this series but after watching the Sentai version (one of my favorites) Jungle Fury was lacking too hard for me.
Fun Fact: The only magical power Ranger series.
10. Ninja Steel
8. S.P.D.
Fun Fact: They dehydrate faster than Silver Age Aquaman. These Rangers look just like the Shogun Zords (for obvious reasons). Also, the first team & series to have a female leader.
Fun Fact: So disappointed with how they handle Super Megaforce. That series should've been a group of legendary Rangers trying to retrieve all the Ranger powers or something.
Fun Fact: Smallest & one of the most powerful Ranger team!
17. Alien Rangers
This is a special 30th Anniversary Top List for Power Rangers! This will be a quick list of each series from worse to great!
Fun Fact: I didn't like this version or the Sentai version.
21. Operations Overdrive
12. Mystic Force
Fun Fact: Lightspeed Rescue Red is the Rangerverse Captain America.
14. Beast Morphers
Fun Fact: The photo above with the caption is from the show.
3. Lost Galaxy
18. Turbo
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Geekpin Entertainment