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Tanya has a genius-level intellect in Science, Medical
Science, Gadgetry, & Computer Operation.
When Tanya awakened her powers, her body bulked up considerably. She has shown to be able to grow gigantic. While in gigantic form she can even lift a large cargo ship but with objects of that size she must be extremely careful as they might collapse under their own weight. Also, when she grows, she regenerates from wounds. She is strong enough to easily rip off a metal door and lift and throw heavy objects like an armored vehicle. Power Girl is completely bulletproof and can survive impacts that would kill or severely injure a human being with little damage she can intercept bullets mid-flight with her superhuman reflexes. Lastly, she's capable of flight.
Seeking to understand her extraordinary abilities and new, heroic direction in life, Tanya left Boston for New York City to join the Teen Titans. At a loss when the team broke up, she fell under the sway of Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, who was seeking a fresh path for himself and leading a new team of young heroes: Defiance. Tanya is smart enough to realize that any alliance with Deathstroke is likely to come with some deadly terms and conditions. Learning Karen Starr was trapped in an interdimensional fold of Innespace, Tanya sought to extract her in astral form. When her vacant body was found, her
teammates believed she had taken her life. When burying her they were unaware that they had inadvertently marooned her consciousness between dimensions.
Tanya made 41 appearances (not counting the encyclopedias) and hasn't been seen since 2018. I honestly think no one knows about her and mistakes her for Bumblebee.
As always here's some quick trivia note before I wrap this up.
-Tanya first received her powers in World's Finest #25 but didn't discover
them until issue 26.
-Tanya's first cover appearance is Teen Titans v5 #5.
-She is a member of the Wonder Girl (Cassie) fan club.
-She considers Kid Flash her best friend.
-Tanya is one of the only black female characters created in
the last 15 years that's not LGBTQ related.
-One of the few people to ever really hurt her was Deadline who
shot her in the stomach at close range with his Infinity Rifle.
Black Comic Spotlight:
Tanya Spears
(aka Power Girl II)
Meet Tanya Spears aka Power Girl 2, she's a character from DC's New 52 who debuted in World's Finest #23. Spears is the daughter of scientist Somya Spears, and at 17, already a postdoc fellow at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She worked at Starr Industries and helped
Huntress retrieve the stolen isotopes. After Power Girl and Huntress traveled through the portal back to Earth 2, Tanya suddenly displayed superpowers, as well as an improved physique. She was unsure how she got them and assumed it was due to her proximity to the portal when it collapsed.
That hypothesis was rocked, however, because DeSaad had sought her out twice before she got powers. She later learned that those powers were a parting gift from a grateful friend. Karen also legally transferred her Power Girl codename and her money to Tanya.