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Black Widow Comic Keys & Speculations

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Geekpin Ent, Capital Comics, Annapolis, Maryland

Tales of Suspense #89 (1st Black Widow)-

The obvious book. 1st appearance of the film's

lead character.

Sub-key:Amazing Spider-Man V1 #76 (1st app

of her black suit), Black Widow V2 #3 (1st

Natalia Romanova as Yelena Belova), & Secret

Empire #7 (Death)

Speculation Chances: 100%

Black Widow: Deadly Origins #2 (White Snow

Suit Variant)- Special outfit Widow wears in the 

film. It's mostly an easter egg/tribute.

Sub-key:Black Widow #11 (2nd white suit cover)

Speculation Chances: 100%

Avengers #43 (1st Red Guardian)Russia's Captain America. He is confirmed for the film and looks like he will be helping Widow on her mission.

Sub-key:Avengers V1 #44 (Apparent death) and Widowmaker #1 (1st app as Ronin)
Speculation Chances: 100%

Inhumans V3 #5 (1st Yelena Belova)- Another Widow agent. Known in the film as Natasha's "sister".

Sub-key: New Avengers Annual V1 #1 (1st as Adaptoid) & Tales of Suspense #103 (Death of Yelena & 1st Yelena Belova Clone #3)
Speculation Chances: 100% 

Marvel Fanfare #12 (1st Iron Maiden aka

Melina Vostokovna)- A lot of folks think she's

Taskmaster (gonna be pissed if she is).

Sub-key:Marvel Fanfare #12 is her 2nd app

and 1st cover. Also 1st Snapdragon.
Speculation Chances: 100%

Iron Man #33 (1st ​Spymaster & Espionage Elite)-

Towards the end of the Widow trailer the soldiers

firing at her look like Spymaster and the fact there's

multiple of them one would assume they possibly

could be the Espionage Elite.
Iron Man #254 (1st ​Spymaster II)- 

Nathan Lemon was trained by Taskmaster.

There's a slight chance he could be one of the soldiers firing at Widow in the trailer.

Speculation Chances: 20%

Avengers V1 #195 (1st Taskmaster)- It's been confirmed that Taskmaster will be in the film but somehow it might now be Tony Masters.
 Avengers #196 (1st full app) &  Taskmaster #1 (New costume).

Speculation Chances: 100%

Deadpool MAX #5 (1st ​Lady Taskmaster)- No one knows if the Taskmaster in the film is man or woman but there is a female version of him so why not spec on this too.
Speculation Chances: 50%

Tales of Suspense #101 (1st Full Natalia Romanova aka Black Widow Clone)- It's unknown if Black Widow is real or not. Hell if they find a way to bring her back in the MCU a clone would be the best way to go about it.

Sub-key: Secret Empire Omega #1 (1st app/cameo of Black Widow Clone)
Speculation Chances: 20%

Black Widow V3 #4 (1st Red Room Academy)- The Red Room was an espionage training facility. For decades the Red Room been a Cold War program to train the deadliest female spies in the world. Go back and watch Agent Carter.

Speculation Chances: 100%

Tales of Suspense #46 (1st Crimson Dynamo)- 

Some version of Anton & Ivan have already been seen

in Iron Man 2 but as many comic fans know there

have been multiple Crimson Dynamos.

Sub-key: Widowmaker #1 (1st Dark Ocean Society) &

Black Widow V4 #8 (1st Crimson Dynamo Replicas)
Speculation Chances: 10%

Amazing Spider-Man V1 #265 (1st ​Silver Sable)- 

Figure she has a small connection to Spymaster II and


Speculation Chances: 10%

Well, that's all, for now, folks, thanks for reading. For more geek-related info follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Stay geeky, gang.

Hey, comic book fans, with the Black Widow trailer recently released, we going to share a few comic keys related to the film for those who like to invest in comics. So check out the list of comics you may possibly speculate on.

--The Geekpin