Comic Speculation & Keys

Comic Speculation & Keys:
Agatha: Darkhold Diaries

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Zapp Comics, New Jersey, Comic Shop,

Hey geeky comrades! Recently behind-the-scene footage for the upcoming Disney+ show Agatha: Darkhold Diaries was "leaked". 

Originally we were waiting for an official teaser or trailer like normally but because Agatha is semi-trending currently we'll be sharing our list of key comics based on the series to speculate for investment & collector purposes.

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​​​Agatha is scheduled to premiere on Disney+ in late 2024 as a lead-up to Halloween which will consist of nine episodes. It will be part of Phase Five of the MCU. For more geek-related content follow Geekpin Entertainment on FacebookTwitter, ​Instagram, and Threads. Thanks for reading, stay geeky. 

--Imran Chaudhry