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--The Geekpin
X-Men/Alpha Flight #1 (Revealed Madelyne is pregnant)- With Jean being pregnant in the trailer and the Goblin Queen action figure for this series it's assumed Jean will be going through everything Madelyne Pryor did in the comics. Assuming this will take place in the episode "Fire Made Flesh".
Sub-keys: Uncanny X-Men #201 (1st Nathan Christopher Charles Summers aka Cable), New Mutants #87 (1st Nathan Summers as Cable), Uncanny X-Men #221 (1st Mr Sinister), Uncanny X-Men #239 (1st cover app of Mr Sinister & Goblin Queen) and Uncanny X-Men #240 (1st full Madelyne Pryor as Goblin Queen)
Other Key Speculations
Uncanny X-Men #200 (Magneto becomes Headmaster of the Xavier's school & 1st chronological app of Magneto's M-Suit)- It looks like the series will be adapting the plot to this issue, leading him into becoming the Xavier Institute's Headmaster (I think it's going to be the cliffhanger of the first season).
Sub-keys: Heroes For Hope X-Men #1 (1st Magneto's M-Suit) & Uncanny X-Men #135 (1st Robert Kelly)
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Wolverine v2 #52 (1st Abcissa)- Jubilee from an alternate reality. The character will probably be adapted in the episode "Motendo". The episode centers on mall arcade aficionado Jubilee which features the X-Men as ’90s video game characters. The rumor it will take place in Mojoworld.
Sub-keys: Uncanny X-Men #244 (1st Jubilee) & Longshot #3 (1st Mojo)
Uncanny X-Men #173 (1st Mohawk Storm)- With Storm's new look and possible adaption of the 2 part
"Life-Death" story.
Sub-keys: Uncanny X-Men #184
(1st Forge), Uncanny X-Men #185
(Storm loses her powers),
Uncanny X-Men #186 (Lifedeath),
Uncanny X-Men #198 (Lifedeath- Part II) and New Mutants #1
X-Men '97
The X-Citement everyone has been waiting for is almost here! Before you watch X-Men '97 here's some key issue comics that's possibly good to speculate on. We're going to dive in deep with the X-Men lore and not give you obivous keys such as X-Men #1, Giant Size X-Men #1, Hulk #180 or the first issue of the upcoming X-Men '97 comic.
Note:This would've been out sooner but I'm playing catch up from Covid.
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