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Toujyou Cool Pose- A dumb battle pose mocking The Ginyu Force performed by Son Gohan as The Great Saiyaman before he goes into battle.
Fun Fact:When they were kids they thought the poses were dumb but think they were cool when they became teenagers.
Original User: Ginyu Force
Saiyans Who can perform it: Great Saiyaman 1 , Saiyaman X-1 & Saiyaman X-2
Kaiouken- An attack mastered only by Son Goku.
It increases his power and speed as well as his
senses. It can also be upgraded several times. In
the fight against Vegeta, he was able to raise it to
Kaiouken 4x. In the fight against Freeza, he was
able to raise it to Kaiouken 20x. The downside to
this attack is that it is unstable and can kill the user
if they remain in the state for too long. Goku
managed to combine it with Super Saiyan and later
Super Saiyan Blue.
Original User: King Kaio
Saiyans Who can perform it: Son Goku
Rôga-fûfû-ken "Wolf's Fang Hurricane Fist"-
Yamcha's signature attack he dashes in with
incredible speed and claws away at his opponent
with furious swipes. He ends the attack with an
open-palm push into the air or otherwise into the
Original User: Yamcha
Saiyans who can perform it: Gotenks (Anime Only)
Kame Hame Ha "Turtle Destruction Blast"- Dragon Ball's
signature attack. The user gathers energy between the palms
of their hands and then releases it. The technique was
invented by Master Roshi, and it took him 50 years to perfect
it. It was performed by Goku after only having seen the move
done once. I had mentioned how I thought Vegeta copied and
made his own Kamehameha called "Garlic Gun". It's similar in
appearance to the Kamehameha, and the energy for the attack
is even gathered similarly. Throughout the battle on Earth
against the Z-Warriors he saw Yamcha, Krillin, and Goku
perform this attack. Vegeta being a prideful person would never
admit to copying something from people beneath him.
Original User: Master Roshi
Saiyans who can perform it: Son Goku, Son Gohan,
Son Goten, Trunks (Movie 11 Only) Gotenks, Cell, Cell Jrs.
& Black
Happy New Year, geeks & geekettes! So recently I did a "trap post" called Goku Is Trash! to explain how and why Goku is so strong. Now I'm going to get into the real nitty gritty of the subject. For years we thought Goku was secretly
talented but in reality, it was all genetics because
the Saiyans are the original Uchiha. It's never been
officially stated (that I can remember) within the
series but the Saiyans can copy other people's
attacks by seeing them. It makes perfect sense
because they're monkeys and Son Goku is based
on the Monkey King from Journey to the West.
One of his abilities is to mimic other people's abilities. This ability dawned on me reading the Super Manga when Vegeta was able to perform Instantaneous Movement after 2 attempts. Like I said I never thought about it growing up because I only
thought it pertained to Goku. When Piccolo asked Son
Gohan when did he the Makkankosappo in the Super-Hero
film he said he always knew how to do it. I was like I need
to research on this but life and being lazy sidetracked me.
Like I kinda questioned Vegeta doing the Kienza when I
first saw it but I was still an anime noob and half the cast
knew each other's moves so I never really thought that
hard about it. It seems like Whis & Beerus are aware of the
Saiyans ability to mimic techniques.
Hakai "Destruction"- A powerful attack used by the Gods of Destruction. Beerus can destroy almost anything with little effort. This technique can be used in various ways, such as Beerus putting his palm out or extending both the index and middle fingers
which the target will be engulfed by a destructive energy wave simply disintegrating into an agonizing nothingness.
Fun Fact:There's some controversy over this technique. "Apparently" Goku only does this technique in the manga but I saw him do it in the anime. So as some of ya know only watch the Japanese version and I was watching Super as it was coming out. Ep 63 Goku tried to use Destruction on Zamasu but couldn't handle the technique (it's why Goku apologized to Beerus about calling his attack stupid at the end of the arc) and Zamasu kicked him into a building. So I was looking for the episode online and the one I found was dubbed and the scene is completely removed. Like Goku was in the middle of saying to himself there's only one way to beat his immortality and the scene cuts to Trunks. Next time you see Goku he's randomly with Vegeta fighting a bunch of Goku Black clones. So that was problem #1. Problem #2- Goku does Destruction in the manga and backfires because the fused Zamasu warped Mai in front of him to use as a shield. The problem with Goku using Destruction in the manga is how did Goku know about the technique because he wasn't there when Beerus destroyed their Zamasu like in the anime.
Original User: Beerus & other Gods of Destruction
Saiyan who can perform it: Son Goku & Vegeta
Final Flash- This is Vegeta's second most powerful attack. Vegeta puts his wrists together directly in front of himself, then charges up for a while, and eventually lets loose a HUGE blast of energy. This attack is written in Katakana and pronounced in English.
Original User:Vegeta
Saiyans who can perform it: Future Trunks (Anime Only)
Jigen Ni Ona Wo Akeru- After learning he was
stuck in the Room of Spirit and Time forever
in an amazing fit of rage, Majin Buu screams
at the top of his lungs, and much to his surprise,
manages to rip a hole in the very fabric of time
and space! Buu jumps out through the hole
and begins to once again wreak havoc upon
the Earth. The hole closes behind him, leaving
Piccolo and Gotenks still stuck inside...
Original User: Majin Buu
Saiyans Who can perform it: Gotenks
(Note: Gotenks had to go to SSJ3 for him to be
able to scream and rip a hole all on his own.)
Taiyoken "Solar Fist"- The user raises their hands to the sides of their face and then shouts out the name of the attack. The sun's light is then reflected directly into the face of the unfortunate victim, causing them to lose sight for some time.
Original User:Tenshinhan
Saiyan User: Son Goku & Future Trunks (learned from Imperfect Cell)
So I finally did the research using the Daizenshuu 7, rewatched & read certain arcs and battles because some techniques were only done in either the manga or anime (which I did list). Now that I'm done yapping let's check out all the copy techniques the Saiyan's did throughout the franchise.
Makkankosappo "Screw Beam of the Devil"- This is Piccolo's signature attack in DBZ anime (he only used this once in the manga). He raises the index and middle fingers of his right hand to his head, then charges up. When he first performed this attack, it took him 5 minutes to gather the energy for the attack. By the end of DBZ, he does the attack instantly. The beam itself resembles a screw. There is a straight beam, surrounded by a spiral of energy. This technique has been used 6 times in the Super manga with Gohan being the latest user.
Original User: Piccolo
Saiyans who can perform it: Son Gohan, Cell, & Cell Jr's
Super Donut- A useful attack performed by Gotenks where he shoots out an energy "donuts" that surround his opponent, and seal them in a ball shape. Gotenks's Continous Super Donut is where he shoots out a series of energy donuts. When Super Buu does this attack his opponent is captured within the donut and Buu tightens the donut to emit great pain squeezing the life out of his opponent.
Original User: Gotenks
Saiyans who can perform it: Son Gohan (learned from Super Buu)
Shunkan-ido "Instantaneous Movement"-
This technique allows the user to instantly teleport to anywhere in the universe. However, it is somewhat limited since they need to lock onto the ki of someone or something to teleport to a specific place.
Original User: Yardrats
Saiyans Who can perform it:Son Goku, Perfect Cell, Black & Vegeta.
Kienzan-A swirling disc of energy that looks and sounds like a buzz saw. It can cut through ALMOST anything
Original User:Krillin
Saiyan who can perform it: Vegeta,
Son Goku, Perfect Cell & Cell Jr.
We're diving into a secret ability that all Saiyans possessed but was never officially mentioned nor truly realized by the audience.
Haikyû-ken "Volleyball Fist"- Tenshinhan seems
to play the role of both the one serving and also
responding, as seen by his verbal, "Iku wa yo/hai"
("Here I go! / Okay~"), following along with his
combo-attack of hits.
Original User: Tenshinhan
Saiyans Who can perform it: Gotenks
(Note: While Gotenks does use the Haikyû-ken
in the 2008 Jump Anime Tour Special against Aka,
his "Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball" done in
conjunction with Piccolo is a variation on the attack.)
Energy Shyutou- An attack where the user forms their energy into a sword around their hand.
Original User: Zamasu
Saiyans Who can perform it: Vegeta
Mafuba "Demon Incarcerator"- An
attack used to seal enemies like
Piccolo and Piccolo Daimaou in the
Denshi Jar. The user must go through
a series of movements, and then fire
a spiral beam at the enemy. The beam
must hit the enemy, and the user must
then guide the beam directly into the
Denshi Jar. The downside of this attack
is, that once it's performed successfully,
the user will die. This was first performed
by Mutaito, Master Roshi's teacher, to
seal Piccolo Daimaou in the Denshi Jar.
This technique was later taught to Goku to seal Zamusa.
Original User: Mutaito
Saiyans Who can perform it:Son Goku & Future Trunks.
Genki-Dama "Energy Ball"- A very powerful attack that
Goku uses only when he has to. Goku gathers energy
from his surroundings and forms a POWERFUL ball of
energy. The downside of this attack is that it takes a long
time for Goku to gather the necessary energy for the
attack to be useful. While the Genki-Dama he created
to beat Vegeta was only about 2 feet wide, the
Genki-Dama he created on Namek was 50 meters wide.
Chou Genki-Dama's "Ultimate Energy Ball" is the same
attack but even bigger and filled to the brim with
incredible power. On Kaioshin Planet Son Goku needed
to absorb almost all of the energy from each person
living on Earth.
Original User: King Kai
Saiyans who can perform it: Son Goku (Imperfect Cell mentioned he could probably do this attack)
F.Y.I.- I added Cell & Black as mimic users too because of the
Saiyan blood they possessed. Also, just because Saiyans can
mimic techniques they still have to learn how to
perfect the copy technique.
Saiyan Physiology: Pt. 2
The Saiyan's REAL Secret Ability
Masenkou "Devil Blast"- This is Gohan's first real and signature attack. He uses it against Nappa, although it proves to be pretty useless. To perform the attack, he raises both of his hands above his head, gathers energy between them, and then shoots a blast at his opponent.
Original User:Son Gohan
Saiyans who can perform it: Future Trunks
Back To
Fusion Dance- A technique taught to Goku by the Metamoruian. The move itself combines, or fuses, two different characters into one new character. For fusion to work, both characters must be of the same race,
and have the same power level, (if one
character's power level is higher, they
must lower it). If these requirements are
met, then the two characters must perform
a series of movements that resemble a
stupid dance, and end with a kung-fu
move in which both character's fingers
touch. Both characters must perform the
movements at the same time, and say the
words, "FuuuuSION! HA!", also in unison.
If they do not complete all of this, then the
resulting fused character could be disastrous. The two examples shown in DBZ/Super are one very fat-fused character and a very thin and old character. However, if all of the above is executed perfectly in sequence, the resulting character will be a perfect union of both characters and possess a phenomenal new strength. The movements, and thoughts of the fused character are not at all controlled or determined by the personalities or moves that the original characters possessed. The fusion character is unique. All fused characters are extremely cocky and usually taunt their opponent while taking their sweet time playing with them. The downside of this is that Fusion only lasts 30 minutes. After 30 minutes is gone, the fusion character will split back into the two original characters.
Original User: Metamoruians
Saiyans Who can perform it:Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Goten & Trunks.