-766 A.D. Trunks is born.
-767 A.D. May 7th The 24th Tenkaichi Budoukai takes place. Mr. Satan is the winner.
-767 A.D. May 12th Goku suffers from his viral heart disease. All of the Artificial Humans appear. Cell shows up later that day. Piccolo and
Kami fuse. Piccolo is temporarily the strongest
character. The Cell of the present is destroyed
along with Dr. Gero's underground lab by Krillin
and Trunks.
-767 A.D. May 15th Goku's heart disease is
cured by the medicine Trunks brought from the
future. Vegeta and Trunks enter the Room of
Spirit and Time.
-767 A.D. May 16th Cell reaches his second
stage. Cell reaches his perfect form. Goku and
Gohan enter the Room of Spirit and Time.
-767 A.D. May 17th Cell announces the Cell
Game to the entire World.
Gokou and Gohan exit the Room of Spirit and Time. Piccolo enters it.
-767 A.D. May 18th Piccolo exits the Room of Spirit and Time, and Vegeta enters it again. Gohan enters Lime's village and saves it from Barbon's evil intentions.
-767 A.D. May 19th Goku and his family go for a picnic. At around noon, Cell single-handedly destroys the Royal Army. Dende becomes the new Kami. Vegeta exits the Room of Spirit and Time. Trunks enter.
-767 A.D. May 20th Trunks exits the Room of Spirit and Time.
-767 A.D. May 26th At noon the Cell Game begins. Goku dies a second time by sacrificing himself to save the Earth. Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan 2 and completely destroys Cell.
-767 A.D. May 27th Goku's funeral. Trunks return to his time.
-767 A.D. Between May and June. Goku visits Dai
Kaiou's planet and meets Dai Kaiou. Goku participates
in the Annoyoichi Budoukai which was planned in
"honor" of North King Kaio's death. Goku fights
Pikehan. Chibi Trunks takes his first steps. A
documentary is broadcast on TV covering the
events of the life of the World Champion Mr. Satan.
-767 A.D. Goten is born.
-770 A.D. Krillin and #18 get married.
-771 A.D. Marron is born.
-773 A.D. Kaioushin and Kibito travel to Earth to search for the sphere in which Majin Buu is sealed.
-774 A.D. March 28th Gohan finishes the
first-grade level at Orange Star High School.
-774 A.D. April 7th There's a sighting of the
Golden Haired Warrior in Satan City. Gohan
begins the second-grade level at Orange Star
High School. He meets Videl. Gohan meets
Bulma at 3 PM. She works on a transformation
suit for him so he can disguise himself when
fighting crime. She finishes at 5 PM. The Great
Saiyaman appears for the first time!
-774 A.D. April 8th Videl discovers that Gohan is the Great Saiyaman.
-774 A.D. April 9th Gohan teaches Videl how to fly. Southern Kaio checks out Goku's training.
-774 A.D. April 10th Vegeta finds out that Chibi Trunks is able to turn Super Saiyan.
-774 A.D. April 20th Videl masters the flying technique.
-774 A.D. May 7th The 25th Tenkiachi Budoukai takes place. Goku returns to Earth for a single day to compete in the tournament. Majin Buu appears. Vegeta sacrificed his life trying to defeat him. Buu kills Babidi. Due to turning Super Saiyan 3, Goku is forced to return to the after-life early. Gohan mistakenly frees Rou Kaioushin from the Z Sword. Rou Kaioushin begins the ceremony to upgrade Gohan's power.
-774 A.D. May 8th Piccolo, Gotenks, and Gohan are absorbed by Buu. Buu kills almost every single person on Earth. Rou Kaioushin gives Goku his life allowing him to return to Earth. Vegeta returns to Earth with the help of Uranai Baba. Buu destroys the Earth.
Porunga restores the Earth. Vegeta's life is restored when all of the good people who died are wished back to life. Goku destroys Buu with the Super Genki Dama.
-774 A.D. September 7th Shenron erases everyone's memories of Buu.
-776 A.D. Vegeta's brother Tarble and his wife arrive on Earth with two of Freeza's forces after him.
-778 A.D. Pilaf, Shuu, and Mai wished to be younger with the Dragonballs.
-778 A.D. May 7th The 26th Tenkiachi Budoukai takes place. Mr. Satan is the winner. Buu comes in second.
-778 A.D. August 18th Goku meets Beerus and Whis and he becomes Super Saiyan God. Videl tells Gohan she's pregnant.
-Over 100 million years B.C. The earliest Kaiou Samma is thought into existence.
-About 75 Million years B.C. The 15th generation Kaioushin, Rou Kaioushin, & God of Destruction, Beerus are sealed in the Z Sword.
-About 5 Million years B.C. The evil magician Bibidi is successful in creating Buu. Buu destroys hundreds of planets in the following years.
-Four of the five Kaioushins are killed by Buu. Dai Kaiou is absorbed by him, giving him a fat appearance. West Kaioushin manages to kill Bibidi and leaves Buu's sphere shell on Earth.
-779 A.D. Freeza is revived with the Dragonballs and trains for 6 months.
-Goku and Vegeta begin to train with Whis and learn how to become Super Saiyan Blue.
-Pan is born to Gohan and Videl.
-Vegeta kills Captain Ginyu is killed. Goku kills Golden Freeza.
-Champa and Beerus held a tournament with five of their best universe fighters in the 6th Universe. The Super Dragon Balls and Zeno-sama are introduced. Team Beerus won.
-Future Trunks returns needing help to defeat Goku Black.
-Beerus kills present-day Zamasu who will become Goku Black in the future.
-Goku and Vegeta travel to Trunks' future with him and return defeated without him.
-Vegeta goes to the Room of Spirit and Time and becomes a Super Saiyan God (manga) while Goku learns the Mafuba.
-Goku and Vegeta return to Trunks' timeline. Zeno-sama of that timeline erases Trunks' timeline. They all return to the present day with Trunks, Mai, and Zeno of the erase timeline. Kaioshin found Trunks & Mai a new world to reside in and Zeno now hangs with present-day Zeno.
-780 A.D. Zeno Expo is held.
-Bra is born to Vegeta and Bulma.
-The Tournament of Power was held with Universe 7 being the winner.
-Freeza brings Brolly to Earth to destroy Goku. Piccolo teaches Goku and Vegeta the Fusion Dance and becomes Gogeta. Cheelai used the Dragonballs to wish Brolly back to Vampa.
-Galactic Patrol kidnaps Majin Buu to aid with Moro.
-Goku & Vegeta are defeated by Moro on Namek.
-Vegeta travels to Yardrat and trains with them for
3 months while Goku trains with Merus in a Room
of Spirit & Time. Goku masters Ultra Instinct Sign.
Piccolo and Gohan fought off some intergalactic
criminals with them saying they would return in 3
months with Moro.
-Merus becomes non-existent. Goku gets a massive
power boost and kills Moro. Merus becomes human.
-Goichi henchmen retrieve the remains of
Seven-Three from Earth.
-781 A.D. Granolah steals Seven-Three for payment
from the Heeters.
-Granolah uses the Cerealian Dragonballs to become
the strongest warrior in the universe sacrificing 150 years of his life.
-The Heeters tricked Goku and Vegeta to the planet Cereal to fight Granolah. Goku learns about his father Bardock. Vegeta goes Ultra Ego. Freeza kills Gas and reveals his Black transformation to Vegeta & Goku.
-781 A.D. May 7th The 27th Tenkiachi Budoukai takes place. Mr. Satan wins. Buu comes in second place.
-783 A.D. Trunks and Goten became the
superhero duo Saiyaman X-1 & X-2 and
started attending Blue Hal High School.
-Krillin arrested Dr. Hedo for using his
Artificial Humans to retrieve Dr. Gero's
data disc. Dr. Hedo is incarcerated for
3 months.
-Red Ribbon Army leader Magenta hires
Dr. Hedo to build him androids to take out
Goku and the Capsule Corps.
-784 A.D. Piccolo teaching Pan martial arts and how to fly.
-Gamma 2 "assassinate" Piccolo. Piccolo infiltrated The Red Ribbon Army's base. Piccolo gains a power boost from Shenron. Gohan unlocks Beast mode. Gamma 2 sacrificed himself to stop Cell Max. Pan learns to fly. Gohan kills Cell Max with Makankosappo. Vegeta and Goku spar without transformations and ki attacks with Vegeta being the winner.
-784 A.D. May Vegeta and Bulma visit Goku while he's training Pan on her flying. He tells Vegeta he's entering the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai because there will be a powerful fighter there.
-784 A.D.May 7th The 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai takes place. Goku leaves with Uub to train him.
-749 A.D. September 1st Bulma is on her summer vacation searching for the Dragon Balls. Bulma meets Goku later that day. Bulma discovers that the sphere Goku owned, which he thought contained his grandfather's soul, was the 4-Star Dragon Ball.
-749 A.D. September 2nd In the morning, Goku and Bulma meet Master Roshi and he gives them the 3-Star Dragon Ball, in exchange for....ahem...a peek of the lady stuff.
-749 A.D. September 5th Goku stops the reign of the "terrible" Oolong and an old woman gives him the 6-Star Dragon Ball.
-749 A.D. September 6th Goku meets Yamcha for the first time and fights quickly with him, only to have it end in a draw.
-749 A.D. September 9th Goku defeats Yamcha.
-Master Roshi uses the Kame-Hame-Ha to put out the flames on Frypan Mountain. Unfortunately, the blast is too strong and destroys the mountain and the castle. Among the debris, the 7-Star Dragon Ball is found.
-763 A.D. May 3rd Krillin and Yamcha are revived by the Namekian Dragon Balls.
-763 A.D. September 9th Tenshinhan and Chaozu are revived. The refugee Namekians are transported to New Namek by a wish to the Namekian Dragon Balls.
-763 A.D. Sometime in October. After 5,000 years the Makyo-sei approaches Earth and Garlic Jr. is freed from his Dead Zone. But he is again defeated by Gohan and trapped for good in the Dead Zone since the Makyo-sei is destroyed.
Exact Date Unknown
-Cell arrives in Trunks' Time Machine and goes underground to absorb nutrients.
-Freeza's cyborg body is completed.
-764 A.D. Some time in August. Trunks arrive. He kills Freeza and King Kold. Goku returns to Earth.
Unknown Dates
-Vegeta undergoes gravity training to become a Super Saiyan.
-Goku and Piccolo attend driving school to get their driver's licenses.
-Cooler arrives on Earth. He's defeated by Super Saiyan Goku.
-A relationship slowly develops between Vegeta and Bulma.
-At about noon, Goku sends Boss Rabbit and his gang to the moon.
-Shuu and Mai steal all but one of the Dragon Balls from Goku and the gang. Pilaf summons Shenron at night once the Dragon Balls are gathered. Later, Goku looks at the moon turning into a giant ape and destroys Pilaf's castle.
-749 A.D. September 10th Goku and Krillin become Master Roshi's students after finding a female....maid for the pervert. Later, Master Roshi moves his house to an island and Goku and Krillin prepare for their tough training with the martial arts master.
-749 A.D. September 11th Master Roshi, Krillin, and Lunch spend the day in bed due to eating poisonous puffer-fish the night before.
-749 A.D. September 14th At 4:30 AM Goku and Krillin begin their tough training under Master Roshi. They will spend the next 8 months training this way.
-749 A.D. October 2nd The second term of school begins at the Western City Senior High School.
-750 A.D. April 6th Goku and Krillin increase the weight of the shells on their backs to 40 kg. to increase the results of their training.
-750 A.D. April 18th Commander Silver of the Red Ribbon Army begins his search for the Dragon Balls
-750 A.D. May 6th Goku, Krillin, and Master Roshi leave the Kame House to participate in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.
-750 A.D. May 7th The 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai takes place. Jackie Chun wins. Goku takes second place.
-750 A.D. May 8th In a single day, Goku destroys the Red Ribbon's Muscle Tower in the north.
-750 A.D. May 9th At 11:02 AM Bulma finishes repairing Goku's broken Dragon Radar.
-Goku and Blue Shogun fight in the sky above Penguin Village. Arale-chan beats Blue by herself.
-Tao Pai Pai kills Blue Shogun with only his tongue in a demonstration of his power.
-Goku is beaten almost to death by Tao Pai Pai at the base of Karin Tower.
-Goku begins climbing Karin Tower.
-750 A.D. May 10th Summer vacation begins for Penguin Village High School. Goku reaches the top of Karin Tower and begins his training which is to take the Super Holy Water from Karin.
-750 A.D. May 12th After 3 days of training, Goku finally gets the Super Holy Water. He's surprised when he finds that it is only plain tap water. It was the fighting to get it that made him stronger.
-Goku kills Tao Pai Pai at the base of Karin Tower and SINGLE-HANDEDLY destroys the ENTIRE Red Ribbon Army.
-In Uranai Baba's battle arena, Goku is reunited with his dead grandpa Gohan.
-750 A.D. Some time in July. The rainy season begins in Namu's village on Namek.
-Between 750 and 753 A.D. Goku begins his training which is to run around the World.
-In Chao village, he fights Kinkaku and Ginkaku.
-Goku meets Chintaiken and fights Tenron in the Gozen-Jiai contest.
-Goku enters the Demon World and fights the lord of the Demon World, Shura.
-Goku saves Inoshikachou and meets Tenshinhan for the first time.
-753 A.D. May 5th Goku meets Konkichi.
-Goku swims to Papaya Island where the 22nd Budoukai will take place.
-753 A.D. May 7th The 22nd Budoukai takes place. Tenshinhan wins. Goku comes in a close second. Krillin is killed and Piccolo Daimaou appears.
-Tens of thousands of years B.C. Annin begins her service of protecting the Furnace of Eight Divinations on the border between the real world and the "Other World".
-4237 B.C. Garlic Junior's ancestors migrated to the Earth from their home, Makyo-sei.
-1104 B.C. Bardock travels to the past and becomes the first "Super Saiyan" and kills Freeza's ancestor Chilled.
-739 B.C. Jadoushin becomes the Princess of Serpent Path and settles in her castle alongside it.
-Approximately 238 B.C. The Legendary Super Saiyan appears and wreaks havoc across the Universe.
-At approximately 250 A.D. Uranai Baba begins her fortune-telling business.
-261 A.D. Enma Daiou travels the Snake Path to get training from Kaiou Samma. Princess Snake meets him and falls in love.
-On Namek, violent storms ravage the planet and destroy many of the life-giving Ajisa plants. Kattatsu sends his son away on a spaceship to avoid death. But the storms stop and no one follows the child. The child faces problems and is forced to make a landing on the planet Earth. The young Namekian's name is...Piccolo.
-430 A.D. Muten Roshi is born. Here comes trouble ladies.
-431 A.D. Piccolo becomes the apprentice of Kami.
-448 A.D. Master Roshi turns 18 and continues training under Mutaito. He falls in love with Ran-Ran (A distant ancestor of Ran-Fan perhaps?).
-459 A.D. Tsurusennin's brother, Tao Pai Pai, is born.
-461 A.D. Garlic assaults Kami for not choosing him as his successor. He is defeated and trapped by Kami. Piccolo is the chosen one and ascends to the throne of Kami. The evil in Kami's heart leaves him and forms Piccolo Daimaou. Daimaou leads a reign of terror across the Earth but is sealed in the Denshi Jar by Mutaito's Mafuba technique. Mutaito dies as a result of performing the move.
-474 A.D. Darbura inspects the Earth.
-Approximately 550 A.D. The first Saiyan lands on the planet Plant in a mysterious ship.
-553 A.D. Master Roshi starts his world-famous collection of dirty magazines.
-Approximately 650 A.D. Master Roshi finds the 3-Star Dragon Ball washed up on his beach.
-650 A.D. May 7th The first Tenkaichi Budoukai takes place.
-658 A.D. Gohan is born.
-662 A.D. Kami tells Mr. Popo what he remembers about his childhood.
-698 A.D. Toninjinka is born.
-715 A.D. The great Emperor Pilaf is born.
-720-730 A.D. The Saiyan unite and begin a war against the Tsufuruian for control of the planet Plant. The Tsufuru scientist Dr. Raichi is killed. The Tsufuruian are completely destroyed by the Saiyan. The Saiyan take control of the planet and rename it Vegeta. They adapt Tsufuru technology. The Saiyan begin space travel and meet aliens from other planets.
-722 A.D. General Blue from the Red Ribbon Army is born.
-730 A.D. Tao Pai Pai starts his career as an assassin.
-731 A.D. The Saiyan begin their partnership with Freeza and start conquering planets for sale.
-King Vegeta marries his queen.
-732 A.D. The birth of Prince Vegeta.
-733 Bulma, Yamcha, and Tenshinhan are born.
-733 May 8th Earth's current king is sworn in.
-Approximately 735 A.D. Freeza starts to feel misgivings toward the Saiyan. It begins a period of controlled chaos.
-736 A.D. Krillin is born
-737 A.D. A Low-Class Saiyan fighter is born to the Middle-Class fighter Bardock. He is rejected by his father as a failure. In his first few days alive he's sent to the planet Earth to destroy it when he grows older. His name is Kakkarotto.
-Planet Vegeta gains control of the planets Meat and Kanassa.
-King Vegeta's revolt against Freeza fails with his death.
-Freeza demands the death of all Saiyan.
-Bardock dies trying to protect planet Vegeta and his future.
-Kakkarotto lands on Earth.
-Gyu Maou's daughter Chi-chi is born. His wife dies shortly after the birth.
Dragon Ball Z / Super Date Event
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-Sometime in between June and August Gohan finds a small baby in the woods. He names him Son Goku.
-738 A.D. Goku hits his head on a rock after falling down a cliff. He stops being a wreckless evil child and becomes a happy loving boy.
-739 A.D. Gyu Maou and his daughter at the foot of the mountain on which their castle is atop. A fire spirit is unleashed and sets Mount Ryokei afire. Gyu Mao and his daughter are trapped at the bottom of the mountain. The mountain is renamed Mount Frypan.
-740 A.D. Oolong is born.
-Krillin begins his training at the Orinji Temple.
-Bardock encounters Gas on Planet Cereal and defeats him.
-747 A.D. Yamcha meets Puuaru.
-748 A.D. The Phoenix Master Roshi was raising died of food poisoning. Later, while gathering mushrooms, he discovers a baby sea turtle who got lost.
-749 A.D. First ten days of April Bulma enters Senior High School in the Western City.
-Sometime in 749 A.D. Bulma discovers the 2-Star Dragon Ball in her basement.
-749 A.D. 22 August Bulma discovers the 5-Star Dragon Ball in a cave to the north.
Dragon Ball Date Event
Dragonball History Dates Events
DragonBall/Z/Super Timeline
-753 A.D. May 8th Celebration of 20 years under the rulership of the King of the World.
-753 A.D. May 9th (Piccolo Day) Goku kills Piccolo Daimaou.
Piccolo AKA Ma Junior is born. Goku reaches Kami's Palace and trains there for the next three years with Mr. Popo and Kami.
-756 A.D. May 7th The 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai begins. Goku becomes engaged to Chi-chi after their fight in the tournament. Goku defeats "Ma Junior" and wins the Tenkaichi Budoukai for the first time.
-Planning for Gokou and Chi-chi's wedding begins, but a mysterious fire erupts and tarps the Ox-King inside with Chi-chi's wedding dress. Gokou and Chi-chi must search for the Basho Sen to put out the magic flames.
-756 A.D. May 8th Chi-chi learns how to be a good bride from Grandma Hakkake. Goku uses the Basho Sen on the flames, but it doesn't work. He finds the flames are a result of a leak in the Furnace of Eight Divinations on the other side of the World. Goku travels to Mount Gogyou, the home of the Furnace of Eight Divinations where he meets his dead grandpa again. He fixes the hole in the bottom of the furnace and the flames cease around Gyu Maou's castle.
-757 A.D. Sometime in May. Gohan is born.
-759-760 A.D. Goku is interviewed by Shonen Jump.
-761 A.D. Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan battle Garlic Junior and send him into his Dead Zone.
Back To
-761 A.D. October 12th Raditz arrives to retrieve
his brother. Goku sacrifices himself, and he and
Raditz are killed by Piccolo's Makkankosappo.
-Vegeta and Nappa stop at a small planet named
Arlia. After finding the planet unsuitable for sale,
they destroy the planet. After this, they go into
a state of suspended animation in a cold sleep.
They're headed for the planet Earth.
-A period of several months
-Gohan begins his survival training.
-Gohan falls into ancient ruins and finds a robot.
After a disaster, the robot is destroyed. Gohan becomes more mature.
-Yamcha is employed as a professional baseball player.
-Gohan becomes homesick and tries to escape from his training area and return home. After meeting Pigero and other orphans whose parents were killed in a tsunami, he regains his courage and returns to his training.
-762 A.D. Some time in March. Krillin, Chaozu, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Yajirobe are training at Kami's Palace.
-762 A.D. April 29th Goku arrives at King Kaio's planet.
-762 A.D. May 9th Goku finally catches Bubbles. His next training is to hit a cricket Gregory with an incredibly heavy hammer.
-762 A.D. May 23rd Goku bops Gregory on the head with the hammer.
-762 Sometime in May. Krillin, Tenshinhan, Chaozu,
and Yamcha make a spiritual journey to the old
planet Vegeta. They are all easily killed by two
weak Saiyan. When they return to their bodies,
they all decide to continue training hard.
-762 A.D. November 2nd Goku is resurrected
after having completed his training under Kaiou.
-762 A.D. November 3rd Vegeta and Nappa
arrive on Earth. Gohan, Piccolo, Tenshinhan,
Krillin, Chaozu, and Krillin face off against the
Saiyan. Nappa, Yamcha, Piccolo, Tenshinhan, and
Chaozu are all killed. The battle between Goku and
Vegeta ends in a draw (Vegeta won against Goku).
-A micro-sized robot made to look like an insect is deployed by Dr. Gero to collect blood samples from the strongest fighters for use in the construction of Cell.
-762 A.D. November 4th Goku, Krillin, and Gohan are hospitalized in the East City Hospital.
-762 A.D. November 7th Krillin and Gohan leave the hospital.
-762 A.D. November 9th The reconstruction of Kami's spaceship is completed.
-762 A.D. November 14th Bulma completes her lessons in the Namekian language. Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma leave for Namek.
-762 A.D. November 21st Vegeta lands on Freeza Planet Number 79.
-762 A.D. December 13th Vegeta's injuries are completely healed. He leaves immediately for planet Namek.
-762 A.D. December 18th Vegeta, Kiwi, Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan all land on Namek at about the same time.
-Goku leaves for Namek.
-Dende takes Krillin to meet the Guru.
-Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamcha arrive at Kaiou's planet and begin their training there.
-Goku's spaceship gets trapped in the gravity of the star Alpha HZ. By using the Kame-Hame-Ha he escapes a fiery demise.
-762 A.D. December 19th Zarbon takes Vegeta's beaten body to Freeza's ship to heal him.
-762 A.D. December 20th Vegeta fights Zarbon for the second time. He kills him.
-Krillin takes Gohan to meet the Guru.
-By Freeza's order, The Giniyu Taskforce mission to Yardrat is delayed. They leave for Namek.
-762 A.D. December 23rd Goku completes his training under 100g gravity.
-762 A.D. December 24th The Ginyu Taskforce (minus Ginyu) are destroyed. Piccolo is revived. Krillin is killed. Goku becomes the Legendary Super Saiyan and defeats Freeza. The planet Namek blows up.