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What's up geek fam? This weekend is the debut of the latest MCU film The Marvel (and the last episode of Loki season 2). Lots of people aren't hyped for this upcoming film mostly due to Marvel bombing right & left (personally I haven't been a fan since Phase 3) and people feeling the first Captain Marvel film was a complete waste but that's why I'm here today. Overall the Captain Marvel movie was pretty good and doesn't get enough credit for what it is as a whole. I understand Brie Larson doesn't help since most people don't like her but I never pay any attention to what an actor say or do in their life. I'm here to see them do their job and be entertained. So I'm going to try and enlighten your minds about the first Captain Marvel film because that movie should've been hella hard to make just because Carol Danvers's backstory as a character was all over the place throughout her comic history. But Marvel Studios made it work so kudos to them. To understand what kind of clusterfuck her history was check out this video below by Comics Alliance (R.I.P.).

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​​Defending The Captain Marvel Film

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I always thought the Captain Marvel movie was going to be very challenging to do because of Carol's crazy continuity. But the movie did fairly well mixing almost literally everything about her into the film. It's almost like they copied the Wonder Woman film with Diana having 2 distinct comic origins and managed to

tell both versions to the point it covers

her entire comic continuity for the film.

The one we (the fans) grew up with

(her being made of clay) was a lie and

the current/modern origin (her being

the daughter of Zeus) was the real

truth. In Captain Marvel, the lie was

Carol believed her powers came from

Yon-Rogg's blood making her a

Human/Kree Hybrid but the truth is her powers came from the Tesseract when she blew up the Light-speed Engine (a comic combo here--she received her original powers from being exposed to the Psyche-Magnitron when it blew up and her binary powers came from a White Hole but they used the Tesseract instead). Instead of The Brood experimenting on Carol, the film showed the Kree doing so. Carol having memory problems is another thing from the comics they utilized for the film. At the beginning of the film, we see she was at the power level of when she was Ms. Marvel in the comics thanks to the power dampener the Kree implanted her with. Once she overrides it, she's at the power level from when she was Binary in the comics.

I will say the movie was totally pointless to watch cuz it kind of didn't help move the story for Endgame going forward it was mostly to tell you who is this character that randomly shows up and destroys a warship. Marvel Studios pitched this movie wrong. They made us think we had to see this film before Endgame but we really didn't. The movie was an intermission between Infinity War & Endgame. But the film does have a key purpose in the MCU. Outside of introducing Captain Marvel, the film introduced the Rambeaus & the Skrulls for future stories (Rest In Hell Secret Invasion) & gives a little more history on S.H.I.E.LD., Fury, Project Pegasus & The Avengers Initiative. Speaking of the Avengers Initiative, the reason why I dislike this film is because naming the Avengers after Carol was definitely a last-minute add or change. Does anyone remember oh I dunno Captain America, "The First Avenger"?! In the original Captain Marvel trailer when you look at Carol's plane it said "Warbird" (which was her third codename in the comics) but in the film, it changed to "Avenger" to try to give her more hype and the inspiration of Fury creating The Avengers.

Fun fact, I don't know if a lot of people

knew this but Captain Marvel was

supposed to show up at the end of

Age of Ultron (the scene where

Scarlet Witch is shown floating was

meant for Captain Marvel) but it got

scrapped because Marvel didn't want

to confuse people on who this random

character is. Also, another small fun

fact, back during Phase 2, Marvel had

some animation films that were originally connected to the MCU but were later retcon away due to decisions made in the live-action universe. The Punisher and Black Widow animated film essentially took place after Age of Ultron due to having War Machine and Captain Marvel as part of the Avengers

Captain Marvel was a fun movie. It's right above the Marvel films before they start getting bad to me. Samuel L Jackson & Brie have good on-screen chemistry together. You can see they had fun working together. Hopefully, The Marvels will be a good film. Gotham Geek Girl gave some positive feedback for the film so far. I encourage everyone to go see it with an open mind and know Rogue is not in the film for all the suckers that's been trying to say she was going to be in the sequel (Idc what ya say this is low-key Captain Marvel 2). Lastly, to enhance your movie pleasure go watch it on Screen X if possible. 

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--The Geekpin