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So Long Jodie Whittaker, Hello New Doctor--Whaaaa?!?

After five long Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey years, Chris Chibnall reign of terror on Doctor Who is over with Jodie Whittaker exiting as the Thirteenth Doctor by regeneration with Ncuti Gatwa as the Fourteenth Doctor but wait that didn't happen. Our "Fourteenth Doctor" is shockingly someone else. It looks like Ncuti will be taking "the long way round" as the Fifteenth Doctor. Check out the video belong to see who the Fourteenth Doctor is. 

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I'm so glad this nightmare chapter of Doctor Who is over. This was the first time The Doctor

did not regenerate inside the TARDIS since the Eighth's Doctor regeneration. One thing that bothered me The Doctor was never able to transform their clothing before but then again nothing about the Thirteenth Doctor felt like Dr. Who. FYI Capaldi had the best regeneration scene. Looking forward to Doctor Who next year with Russell T. Davies and "the Fourteenth Doctor" running around. Check out this trailer to see what's to come in 2023 for Dr. Who. 

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