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Hey everyone, it's yo boi, The Geekpin here with another convention review. If you follow me on Instagram you saw that I was at Exxxotica Expo last weekend. This was not a planned event and it was very last minute. Public shout-out to my new intern assistant, CJ.
Quick origin story for the folks who aren't familiar with this event. The Exxxotica Expo is an American annual three-day adult-themed event by 3XEvents. The very first show was in May 2006 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Aside from Miami over the years, the Exxxotica Expo has been held in multiple cities & states such as Fort Lauderdale, Dallas, Los Angles, Chicago, Denver, and Portland. We're attending the expo in DC (presented by MyFreeCams) but it's really in Manassas, Virginia at the Dulles Expo Center.
Con Review:
EXXXotica Expo (DC) 2022
So what would you expect from an adult convention? It's a strip club fused with a standard type of convention. All types of vendors advertising products or selling merch. You had your guest celebrity and your artist
alley type of people. If
you want to take a photo
with literally anyone it cost
you money unless you're
doing presscoverage and
this is when it became
work. I must say you would
think seeing a bunch of women roaming around naked would be the highlight but I actually enjoyed the panels the most. A lot of the seminars were very informative and hands-on if you know what I mean. But
seriously they were great.
The few seminars we
attended were NFTs for
Cannabis, BAE is Bisexual,
and Unlock Female Orgasm.
Got to meet and talk to a few
of the guests such as Brittany
Andrews (mad cool), RDV, and Ray Rayto name a few. This con is pretty chill. I thought it would be wilder and crazier than Dragoncon but it's pretty timid (that's probably a good thing).
The only problem I had with this event (work-wise) is when taking photos of people for press coverage I had no clue who was an attendee (cuz some came "dressed up") or pro cuz they all asked for money when asked to take photos.
There's music playing everywhere at its highest
volume. It's hard to talk to people and even
harder to do interviews. They had three DJs
in one big room playing three different songs
(Haiyaa). I saw this girl in a cage dancing
confusedly cuz she didn't know what song she
was dancing to. You only need ONE main DJ,
Exxxotica! Have him for the stage in the back
and you can have another DJ (or speakers) up
front but keep him at a lower volume. This one
is just personally weird cuz you can only drink
alcohol in this tiny V.I.P. section (which is probably
All and all it was another learning experience and I had fun. Looking forward to attending a few next year...I may even set up a booth. Speaking of setting up...anyone in the Sterling, Virginia area and beyond looking for a chiropractic physician hit up Dr. Tony Knapp (let him know The Geekpin sent you). See ya at the AVN.
--The Geekpin
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Geekpin Entertainment