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Have you ever wondered what’s at the bottom of the sea? Why polar ice melts? Or which tools forensic scientists use to solve a crime?

Well, DC has great news! Everyone’s favorite Scarlet Speedster is here to answer all your burning questions! Barry Allen, with the help of some of his close friends, will take readers on an exciting journey that examines everything from the vast expanse of our galaxy to the smallest living organism known to exist.

Flash Facts, a lighthearted middle-grade graphic novel anthology set to debut February 2, 2021. Geared toward readers ages 8-12, this collection of short stories is curated by award-winning actress and author

Mayim Bialik and aligns with Next

Generation Science Standards,

providing a helpful bridge between

the S.T.E.M. (Science,

Technology, Engineering, and

Math) lessons taught inside the

classroom and how these principles

affect our everyday lives.

Under Bialik’s oversight, the short

stories demonstrating various

S.T.E.M. principles will star Batman,

Superman, Wonder Woman, and

more DC Super Heroes and will

be written and drawn by a wide cast

of writers and artists in middle grade

and comics publishing, including the

New York Times bestselling author

Michael Northrop (TombQuest, Dear Justice League), Dustin Hansen (Microsaurs,

My Video Game Ate My Homework), Cecil Castellucci (Batgirl), Kirk Scroggs (Snoop Troop, The Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid), Corinna Bechko, Sholly Fisch, Amanda Deibert, Vita Ayala, Amy Chu, and more to be announced.

The book is available to preorder now, on sale everywhere books are sold February 2, 2021. For more comic info follow Geekpin Entertainment on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Thanks for reading, later Vader.


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