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Looks like the horror comic of the bunch. I assume weird stuff happens on this particular street.

#GeekpinEntertainment #GhostMachine #TheUnnamed #Geiger #Redcoat #Rook #TheRocketfellers #HornsbyAndHalo

Hornsby & Halo seems interesting. The Rocketfellers could be a good comic to read. I like the grandpa (Rodney) so far.

Comic Highlight:

Ghost Machine #1 

Family Odysseys

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Comic Shop Locator

Most of you are familiar with Geiger and Junkyard Joe. Redcoat I'm not really interested in.

The Unnamed 

Comic Titles

So far I'm digging this series. It's a fusion between M.A.S.K. & Power Rangers. Plus I love Jason Fabok's art. 

#GeekpinEntertainment #GhostMachine #TheUnnamed #Geiger #Redcoat #Rook #TheRocketfellers #HornsbyAndHalo

Geiger / Redcoat

Check out some of the upcoming comics below with a sneak peek (want more buy the book).

A Groundbreaking New Era for Comics, Characters, and Creators Begins Here! From the powerhouse creative collective that is Ghost Machine

comes an extra-sized 48-page special introducing its

all-new shared universes of strange, fun, and action-packed 

characters: Geiger! Redcoat! Rook! The Rocketfellers! And

many, many more! What ties Geiger, Redcoat, Widow X,

and the other mysterious, historical heroes of The Unnamed

together? Why is Rook the key to saving the war-torn

world of Exodus? How will everyone's soon-to-be-favorite

family of the future adapt to a new life in the present?

The stories all start now! Creators you know. Characters

you'll love. This is Ghost Machine. Written and illustrated

by Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns,

Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Ivan Reis,

Peter Tomasi, Maytal Zchut, and more!

Ghost Machine #1 also comes with character profiles like you see in the JLA Secret Files comics. I'm looking forward to reading these comics from this publisher versus other new publishers like DSTRLY.​​​

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     --The Geekpin

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Zapp Comics, New Jersey, Comic Shop,

Comic Highlight is a new segment where we give a particular comic some extra love by talking about said issue or series. Today we'll be talking about Ghost Machine #1. 

Hyde Street Devour

Rook: Exodus

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The Rocketfellers / Hornsby & Halo