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Wut up geeks & geekettes?! It's been a while since we did a "If I Ran Marvel" article so I figured now's the time with all the recent buzz about the future of the MCU. They're talking about reboots, replacing Kang with Dr. Doom, and bringing back the original Avengers (I expected Chris Evans to
at some point & Scarlett Johansson as a Skrull) along with The Marvels failing. Before I start I'm just going to blurb out a random list of things I found wrong in the MCU over the years because I don't have a proper place to state everything.
Back To
Ahhhhhh! Okay now to the nitty gritty. In my personal opinion, the MCU was already starting to fail at phase 3 when Marvel Entertainment Executives were no longer consultants (thank you Russo brothers) for the MCU and strictly became Marvel Studios. Disney/Marvel Studios thought they could do whatever they wanted because they were the MCU and started doing dumb things like gender & race swaps, trying to get China's money, and messing
up the timelines with the wrong dates, etc. After
Endgame they had big plans announcing all these
dumb movies and Disney Plus shows that majority
failed and with the arrival of COVID-19 made
everything worse with rewrites and reschedules.
Dr Strange 2 was supposed to be released before
No Way Home. Just to make it clear, phase 4 had
a lot of potential but Marvel Studios dropped the ball
on some things and definitely dropped it in Phase 5. I like the idea of Kang being the big bad of the next three phases as an aftermath of what the Avengers did in Endgame. It made perfect sense why he would arrive but I could care less about Jonathan Majors. He can be replaced since Kang has multiple versions of himself and not all of them look like him. The majority of the Council of Kangs do look like him but there are and can be a few that don't look like him. Make him be the true Kang the Conqueror. If I was Kevin Feige I wouldn't replace Kang with Dr. Doom nor bring back the original Avengers.
What Should've Been Done
If I was working on the upcoming 3 phases. Phase 4 I would've replaced Eternals, Wakanda Forever and Shang-Chi with Fantastic Four, X-Men (a few years ago I came up with an idea for two X-Men films) and a fifth Avengers film cuz too many people in phase 4 were talking about "Where's the Avengers?". It's the one Marvel property that kept the MCU glued together for each phase. It's pretty much traditional to have one. End Phase 4 with Falcon
as Captain America leading "The New Avengers"
(that's the title) for the fifth Avengers film. The team
would consist of Ant-Man, Wasp, Hulk, Scarlet Witch,
War Machine & Captain Marvel (but she would be
off-world). Also, I would introduce Avengers Academy
in the film to help set up the future for Young Avengers.
The team would go up against Val's Thunderbolts
Dr. Strange's sequel would've been about him dealing
with Baron Mordo going rogue and stealing all the mystics'
magic. This film would've probably been set right before
Infinity War. Fantastic Four will be about them adjusting
to their new abilities & modern age since they went into space in the early 1960s and were pulled into a wormhole (The Negative Zone). Eventually, they escaped & returned home 60 years later along with an unwanted guest named Annihilus. Also, for Disney+ I would create a Marvel Knights series that would be an anthology involving street-level, mature content & mid-ranking characters. The series would introduce characters such as Moon Knight, Blade (I would use Wesley Snipes cuz he is the MCU's Blade. Mahershala Ali is Cotton Mouth & dead.), Dakota North, Shang-Chi, Ghost Rider, and slip in some former Marvel Netflix characters. This would be a test for the studio to see what characters are popular enough to feature in their own solo series and films. Plus with them being introduced within this series no need for a back story if they appear in any future film. The flaw with the MCU & Marvel Comics is every character doesn't need to have their own series.
Phase 5 I would've added Silver Surfer & Avengers 6 (The New Avengers: Rage of Ultron) would introduce the Young Avengers. Courtesy of the Disney Wish Cruise I would use Ultron as the villain. Recreate the Avengers Quantum Encounter as a scene in delaying Ultron's plan for the film. For those who are wondering how I bring Ultron back. Part of Ultron's consciousness was inside Vision but he was locked/imprisoned due to Vision controlling the Mind Stone. Once the Mind Stone was removed Ultron's program was released (another reason why Vision turned gray) and he's been plotting his plan ever since. Avengers lineup consists of Captain America, Ms. Marvel (Avenger in training), Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Wasp, She-Hulk (Hulk's stand-in while away), War Machine & Captain Marvel. The movie would officially introduce Wonder Man. At some point in one of these phases, Rhodey would've become Iron Man to honor Tony's legacy. Lastly, the Silver Surfer film would be about the titular character imprisoned on Earth by Galactus cuz the Surfer wanted to save a young lady he met named Dawn Greenwood. The villain of the film is ideally either Mephisto or Dr. Doom.
Things I Would've Changed
-Spider-Man: No Way Home would've been about Matt Murdock
helping Peter prove his innocence for killing Mysterio before The
Punisher does. I like the idea of bringing Spider-Man from other
films together but I would've used them for Avengers: Kang
Dynasty or Secret Wars.
-Introduce the Fantastic Four crash landing on Earth as a
post-credit scene for either Endgame (what I prefer) or Far From
Home. The scene would've been like a treat of what's to come in
the next three phases.
-I would of either swapped Spider-Man for/or added Red Hulk in
Civil War and Kamala Khan would be introduced as a post-credit
scene in Captain Marvel.
-Feige hinted years ago a Skrull has been posing as an Avenger
since the first film. Secret Invasion audience would have discovered
Black Widow was alive because the Widow who died in Endgame was a Skrull. It would also be the reason why Bruce couldn't resurrect Natasha with the Infinity Stones.
-Introduce Blue Marvel in The Marvels film.
MCU Going Forward
The Marvels will be out this week. I'm gonna be honest with
ya. It looks pointless even though it's rumored to be
connected to 8 other projects (haiya!). This film had a lot
of potential for more cosmic-like Marvel characters.
Deadpool Killing the Multiverse sounds interesting. I'm
pretty sure the X-Men and Fantastic Four aren't going to
be good. If the rumors are true about the Avengers:
The Kang Dynasty, the Avengers are supposed to split up
into 6 teams to travel through time to fight against a Kang
variant which will spiral into the Secret Wars. A year ago I
did an article about who would be the Avengers to go up
against Kang. Feige already shot his wad with the announcement of these films. Just stick to the plan and do everything you can from here to be back on top. Stop hiring stupid people and trying to be part of the woke community. Hire people who have the skills to do the job, not the gender, race, or pronoun who think they should do the job. Let me make this clear I dunno care about the equality quota. I care about who has the right skills to do the best job. Point blank. I'm outta here folks!
That's it for this segment of "If I Ran Marvel", check out Part 1 & Part 2 if you haven't. For more geek-related content follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Twitter, Threads, and Instagram. Thanks for reading, stay geeky.
If I Ran Marvel Comics- Pt 3: The Current Future of the MCU
This is our little what if segment if we ran Marvel Comics / Studios...
-Spider-Man ruined the MCU!
-The MCU & Sonyverse should've merged in No Way Home and not introduced multiple Spider-Man's yet.
-Why was the Vulture the only person transported to the Sonyverse and how did he get his alien tech gear in that universe?
-Why is the Scarlet Witch dead?! Wandavision felt like a waste twice.
-No to Blade, Eternal, Agatha, Echo, Shang-Chi, and Iron Heart as films & series.
-Cut down on the VFX. Jenifer should've had an actual
actress in her She-Hulk.
-Where is Baron Mordo???
-The timeline is still wrong.
-Ms. Marvel having light/energy powers.
-Nathan Fillion is Simon Williams/Wonder Man
-Ruin The Mandarin twice!
-Kamala should've been introduced in Captain Marvel.
-Red Hulk should've been in Civil War.