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Geekpin Entertainment
Here's a reading order list for those who want to follow the entire event and not get lost in the process. For more geek-related reviews & content follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
Threads. Be sure to check out this week's First Issue!! review. Thanks for reading, stay geeky.
Gang War: Spider-Woman #1
Creative Team: Steve Foxe (W) Carola Borelli (A)
The Web of Destiny restored Spider-Woman's life, but
something's changed. Now SPIDER-MAN wants to recruit
her for a new team because VIPER has engineered a
deadly union between HYDRA and DIAMONDBACK that's
about to tear the city apart, bringing forth a new foe powerful
enough to destroy the city while burning Spider-Woman's
world to the ground. DON'T MISS OUT on this action-packed
premiere that features CAPTAIN MARVEL, SPIDER-MAN,
VIPER, and DIAMONDBACK...and introduces a terrifying
new force of evil in SPIDER-WOMAN's world!
Score: 7.0 (Fine/Very Fine-- Not really important to the event.
This feels like a tie-in story even though it's not. You skip over
this issue unless you care about Jessica's baby.)
Amazing Spider-Man #1
Creative Team: Zeb Wells (W) Joey Vazquez (A)
The super-crime landscape of New York has been on edge. This issue, they jump over that edge. What incites the war?! Who hired Shotgun and took out Tombstone? What, if anything, can Spider-Man do about it? Everything you need to know before GANG WAR officially kicks off next month is HERE.
Score: 9.8 (Near Mint/Mint-- I'm quite surprised this was a pretty good issue. A lot of things popping off at once. This kinda reminds me of a reverse version of Batman: War Crimes.)
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Prelude comic review of Marvel's newest
event! After the chaos at the wedding for
Tombstone's daughter and every crime
lord blaming the other, the super criminals
of New York take their crime families to
battle in the open for underworld dominance.
Sensing a conspiracy to bring such an event
to pass and plunge the city into war,
Spider-Man seeks the help of his fellow
street-level heroes to suppress and conclude
the hostilities within a 48-hour window of
opportunity. However, the new anti-vigilante
laws of the city task the NYPD with stopping the Gang War as well as the vigilantes.
The first 3 issues for Gang War: First Strike are in the correct reading order.
Marvel's Gang War: First Strike
Gang War: Luke Cage #1
Creative Team: Rodney Barnes (W) Ramon Bachs (A)
In the wake of the Anti-Vigilante Act, Luke has been trying to save the city from behind a desk. But a meeting with old friend DANNY RAND reminds him of the good old days when problems could be punched in order to solve them. As New York descends into a GANG WAR, Luke must use every power he has to protect the innocent and save his city!
Score: 9.8 (Near Mint/Mint-- Rodney Barnes brought his A-game to this story. Luke dons a new costume and the mask makes me think of Falcon. I feel like the mask should cover the top of the head too.)