Another Captain America #1. This has a lot of potential due to the writer.
The Guardians comic is very busy. The origin of Grootfall.
"Old Man Power Man" (with the power of the Hulk, Sentry & Iron Fist) vs Immortal Moon Knight aka Khonshu!
Captain America
Marvel @ SDCC 2023
Possible good spec for the MCU version of the Thunderbolts.
Doctor Doom & The New X-Men!
"Welcome to the X-Men, Doctor Doom...hope they survive the experience!"
Spider Goblin and Spider-Man's First Hunt.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Marvel Event: Gang War
Hulk vs Ghost Rider...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Ms. Marvel
The New Mutant
Speculators will definitely be buying this. She's basically the original Black Suit Spidey design from Marvel Age with widow gauntlets and hair.
This will be the highest-sold book among of the titles mentioned at SDCC. Speculators beware of buying this book.
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The book everyone is going to overlook. It's a highly good chance Kamala Khan will become an X-Man within the MCU when they make their debut. This book is a "big deal" because it's written by Ms. Marvel actress.
...Nuff said to both!
Daredevil vs Bullseye...
Doom's X-Men
Feels like Shadowland II.
The Incredible Hulk
Geekpin Entertainment
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