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King of the Greek Gods, Superman the most powerful and greatest superhero in the DCU. Even as strong as Superman is Morrison constantly shows even he can be taken down and requires help while also still being the savior the world needs through brute strength or comfort words. Even when he was going through a power change he wasn't sure he could live up to his own myth and when the challenges arrived he met them head on and proved he will always be Superman.

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8. Gods of War

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Morrison got that nasty taste of Shaq out of Steel and made him a really good addition to the team. Morrison's theme was based on the Greek Gods and Steel represented Hepthaesus. Steel naturally became a deputy leader of the JLA even when the bigger heroes were around. Steel's armor computer system is very impressive and even greater with the Mother Box upgrade (I think this is where they got the idea for Cyborg to be fused with the Mother Box in the New 52) from Big Barda. He and Plastic Man became the best of friends within the team (it could be under Batman's order).

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Flash Facts. Grant Morrison has an understanding of the DC lore and modernized a ton of things from the Silver Age and one of the things was "Flash Facts" but that's not what this is about. I just wanted to mention it. I'm actually going to be talking about how Wally uses the Speed Force which he occasionally mentions Flash Facts. I love how The Flash moves in real time between the panels. Like the fight with the White Martian, Zum only took under a minute but Wally was fast enough to defeat Zum, catch a vase they knocked over, and get back in time to save Kyle. 

1. Birth of the Bat-God

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One of the best things about Morrison's JLA run is he always knew how to make you excited for the next issue. You be like "Oh shit, Darkseid is here!', "Oh snap! Prometheus fucked up Batman!", and "Ah shit! Batman bout to get his revenge on Prometheus!" There haven't been too many comics I get anxious in reading the following issue but JLA did it even today still when I re-read them.

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One of the other things I like about Morrison's JLA is the characters' interactions. I like reading the banners or conflicts they have among each other. Like the photo above Martian Manhunter finds it funny the Ghost Zone creeps Batman out since Batman isn't ideally afraid of anything. Sometimes it's good to see the World's Greatest Superheroes sitting around and chat, sometime. You see throughout the League who is close to who and who isn't. You see relationships among the team grow. Like Kyle was afraid of Batman and hated The Flash. Batman will tell someone good work and they are shocked by the compliment. And we have Plastic Man's practical jokes.

Big Barda

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Another character trying to live up to a legacy. The JLA are captured by The Key and Connor's arrows are destroyed by the Key Bots so he has to try and use his dad's gadget arrows. He managed to save the day and become part of Morrison's JLA as the Greek Archer Artemis temporarily until he was replaced by The Huntress. 

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4. Flash Facts

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5. Character Interactions

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2. All That Power!

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After years of various incarnations of Justice League teams, Morrison goes back to the basics with the original team that debuted in The Brave & The Bold #28. What makes this iconic roster even more interesting this is technically not the original team. Instead of Green Lantern Hal Jordan and The Flash Barry Allen, we have their legacy replacements Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and The Flash Wally West. Unlike the original duo, these two did not get along but as time went on they managed to reignite the legacy team up. As for the new Justice League their HQ is on the moon with Superman as the official chairperson/leader except when Batman is around bossing everyone, Wonder Woman is generally second in command on the field unless Martian Manhunter has a strategy. They eventually extend their membership rosters with heroes you wouldn't think to ever or should be on the team but they all earned their place multiple times over.

This is not your Superfriends's Aquaman. This is what Jason Momoa's Aquaman is semi-based on. His role in Morrisons run is obivous being Posedian of the Greek Gods. Aquaman is King of the Seven Seas which covers 3/4 of the Earth so basically he rules the planet and will constantly remind his fellow Leaguers and surface-dwellers he owns their asses. Besides his tough skin and incredible strength, Aquaman is also a skilled warrior who has no problem taking out Superman-level threats. Also, Aquaman is kinda of a pre-Karen always filing complaints against Orion in the Justice League.

3. Aquaman is a Badass

10. Re-Uniting The Seven

3 Gods all warriors with Wonder Woman being the top dawg. I never felt like Wonder Woman fully got to truly shine in this series due to her being missing for half of the run because she died and became a goddess so her mother returned to Man's World as Wonder Woman until Diana came back. 

New Gods representatives Big Barda of The Female Furies and The Dog of War, Orion were sent to join the JLA for an upcoming secret threat. Big Barda is probably the best & strongest warrior because she will go for the kill as where Diana will not. Orion is physically strong as Darkseid and has a more dangerous temper than Wolverine he comes off getting his butt handed to him like Vegeta from DBZ (not Super for you newbies). His actions were constantly reported by Aquaman.

7. Emerald Archer Legacy

Grant Morrison's biggest accomplishment making Batman the Bat God who can take down anyone whether you're a hero or foe (is how he got his Batman run). Batman always has the answers. Morrison right out the gate plays on Batman's distrust towards super-powered people with him testing out a gadget to see if Superman can hear his heartbeat. Superman credits him as the most dangerous man on the planet and constantly belittles Superman's authority and his fellow Leaguers. There's almost nothing Batman can't do and if he can't do it he knows who can.

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Top 10 awesome things that came from Grant Morrison's JLA run.

9. Man Named Steel

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Wonder Woman

6. To Be Continued...

In Honor of Grant Morrison: Pt 1-

JLA is the Best Justice League Series

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