Significance: Death of Thaedus. 

-1st appearance of Thula.

What's In A Numbuh?: Superman #75

Significance: Death of Zeek, Darklord (Alternate), Baby Boom, Negate, 

​-1st appearance and death of Damien Darklord. 

-1st appearance of Rapture (Alternate)

9. Marvel Comics Presents v1 #75

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, The Flash 75

Significance: Death of Gamemnae and Tezumak.

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Savage Dragon 75

10. Wonder Woman v2 #75

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Spider-Man 75

3. JLA v1 #75

1. Spider-Man v1 #75

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Marvel Comics Presents 75
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Significance: Death of Dickie Loder. 

-"Bondage" cover

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, JLA 75

6. Savage Dragon v2 #75

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Wonder Woman 75
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Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, The Walking Dead 75

5. Invincible #75

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Significance: Death of Spider-Man (Ben Reilly). 

​-1st appearance of Abby Levine.

 Significance: Death of the Justice League (Note- The death of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman is visually inspired by the death of The Flash/Barry Allen from Crisis on Infinite Earths #8) and Justice League Incarnate. 

-Final issue of this series.

4. Justice League v4 #75

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Silver Surfer 75

7. The Walking Dead #75

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So if you haven't figured out the theme of this article yet someone dies in each of these 75th issues. We thought it was kinda interesting and cool. ​

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     --Jason Chau

Significance: Death of Jeremy Mchele and Jade.

1st appearance and death of Mikhail & Yuri. 

​-1st Cypress

​​Happy New Years geeks & geekettes, we're back with another "What's in a Numbuh?". We take a random popular/iconic comic issue and we'll list the significance for 10 other comics with the same issue number. 

Today's article is creatively special thanks to Superman v2 #75. Besides being the same issue number this list has a little interesting theme. Enough talk, let's run this!

8. The Flash v5 #75

​​​​​2. Silver Surfer v3 #75

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Superman 75

Significance: 1st appearance of Liam (and death), The Scavengers, 

Derek, Carlos, Patrick and Sandra.

-Glenn was originally planned to die in this issue, but his death was postponed to #100.

​-This is also the first and only issue to have a non-canon ending.

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Significance: Death of Frankie Raye (Nova). 

-Firelord and Air-Walker are becoming the new Heralds of Galactus.

Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Invincible 75
Geekpin Entertainment, What's in a Numbuh?, Justice League 75

Significance: The Turtle (Future) & Barry Allen--The Flash (Future) was erased from existence. That's the ultimate death. 

​-Death of Lawman & Snakebites.

-1st chronological appearance of The Flash (Wally West) & Kid Flash (Wally R. West).

-1st appearance (in a vision) of XS (Jenni Ognats) & Johnny Quick (Jonathon Chambers). 

-1st appearance (flashback only) of Lawrence Snart.