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As always I enjoy NYCC. I'm already looking forward to next year which will be October 17-20, 2024. If you could only choose one convention to attend I highly recommend you go to New York Comic-Con. It's perfect for newbies and pros. For more geek-related reviews and content follow Geekpin 

Entertainment on FacebookTwitter, ​Instagram, and Threads. Stay geeky!

--Jason Chau

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New York Comic Con! My favorite convention of the year not because I'm a New Yorker but because it's a big convention that still focuses on comics and

not mainly celebrities like SDCC. There was beef

with CGC and Sway on Thursday. For some reason,

CGC wasn't allowed to witness. I didn't get to buy

much because most of the dealers had crazy

prices. I picked up Peach Momoko's Space Usagi

foil, Dept of Truth bootleg (which was hard to get), 

Transformers from Comic Mint, and some other

shop exclusives. I did manage to snag a few

variants & exclusives such as Ghost Machine

ashcans, Skybound's Transformers & Duke for

attending each respective panel. Marvel wasn't allowing photography in the "Next Big Thing" (which wasn't Ben Grim) panel with announcements but they released the news anyways later. Saw Tom Hardy for like 2 seconds. He ran off the floor with

security. Other panels I attended were DC, Women

of Marvel, Marvel Fanfare (Lucas Werneck, Elena 

Casagrande, Adi Granov, Steve McNiven, Frank 

Miller, and John Romita Jr. talked about their

careers and jerked each other off over work. A new

project from Steve McNiven teased a new project 

during the panel as “My Love Letter to Frank Miller”),

Blumhouse, and Spawn Panel. They gave out more

than 250 of the Todd McFarlane-signed Spawn

comics. Because the room was tense and people

were waiting near the exits doing a head count for

the 250 copies. I missed out on McFarlane because

Chris Evans was signing. Sarcasm Hime won the cosplay contest as Queen from Snow Glass Apples. Good luck to her as she will be going to the finals at C2E2 next year. 

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Convention Review:

New York Comic-Con 2023

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