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--Swaggy Spunk

Geekpin Entertainment, Drastic Games

Teased in part earlier in the month, the Pokémon x PUMA collection has been officially unveiled ahead of its November 12th launch date. 

The collection features apparel and footwear, with the latter taking inspiration from fan-favorite Pokémon – including Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Gengar, the final form of Gastly, maneuvers his way into PUMA’s first collaboration with The Pokémon Company International, appearing on a TRC Blaze Court pair.

Pikachu RS-X, however, will be available exclusively at Foot Locker and Pokémon Center alongside special clothing and accessories. You can buy them all on Saturday, November 12, 2022, via, at the PUMA NYC flagship store, Foot Locker, Kid’s Foot Locker and Champs, and select worldwide retailers. Pricing for the collection ranges from $30 to $130 USD.

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