​​​​​Ep 1: Lightning Strikes   (5⭐ out of 5)

-Very beautiful scenery and colorful.

Pretty good special effects.

-The Zeddions (the minions) look like

Quadtrons with half of Zedd's face.

-Tasty looking beverage. 

-What is Billy & Mick researching? 🤔

Zordon's energy?

-Creative way of recapping the audience

the previous season through Amelia & Mick.

-Cool Power Rangers history lesson about

the Ninjazords.

-So this is how Javi lost his arm. I was

hoping Ollie would've cut it off.

-Controlling new Zords remotely is the

creative way to use 10+ Zords without

10+ Rangers like in the sentai version. Digging the cockpit designs. 

-The lady villain's (probably should learn her name) daughter is a live streamer.

Ep 2: Beyond Repair   (5⭐ out of 5)

-The boss from Buzz Blast has become a "dumb-minded" character.

-How strong is Amelia to restrain Ollie with one arm? I also like the sudden hint of

Amelia's destiny of becoming Red Ranger with the dark pink (red) jacket and the red

under her pink shirt.

-Izzy and Fern still haven't kissed yet. Just a hug. Probably will kiss at the end of the


-Why the frak is Fern coming to Dino Hedge? She knows her girlfriend is a superhero. No need for her to show up to her job. This is why superheroes have secret identities so their loved ones won't randomly show up to be in the way and ruin everything.

-Javi fights pretty well for missing an arm.

-So that's how they lose their powers 🤔. Very convenient Ollie's statue was the last

one Zedd attempted to destroy.

-Ollie's probably pretending to be bad. The sword cut on Amelia was probably a secret way to communicate using her psychic power.

-So that's what that button does. 

-Shut up Fern!

Ep 3: Off Grid   (4.5⭐ out of 5)

-You can't do it Javi...right now.

-Damn Dino to Wolf is a downgrade. Solon


-Calm down Aiyon!

-Why are you snooping around Fern?! 

-How they don't have any food in their HQ?

-One random fruit tree in the middle of a

desert sandpit???

-SILKIE!!! Oh, that bite is going to be bad for


-Shut up Fern!

-I guess Ollie is still bad.

-That bad-looking food smells incredible????

-Awww, Izzy side-forehead kissed Fern.

-Zedd is too chilled. There's no way Goldar &

crew could've had a streaming party.

-Billy to the rescue making new morphers

giving them their new powers using the Red

Morphin Master Staff.
-The Morphin Grid chose wisely.

-That bite didn't affect Aiyon after all.

-Got their powers just in time to go save


Ep 4: Team Work  (4⭐ out of 5)
-Ollie's whack-ass monster team

are dancers. 

-Mick is the worst at hiding seek. 🤦‍♂️

-Ollie's team is terrible.
-I like how Ollie morphed and he got

a new Ranger look.

-Amelia had a lil sass when she was

in the process of morphing.

-Their new power weapons are pretty powerful and versatile. Good job Uncle Billy.
-Planet is alive yet there's a city on it.

Is that why there's only one city? Also,

do people live in that city?

-Aiyon getting whacked by the trees

feels like a hidden message to vegetarians

and vegans. 🤣
-Yo this planet is Poison Ivy's dream world.

-Enjoy the time you have left means you

dying ninga. 🤣
-Creative reasoning on why there was one city on the planet. Sentai Zord fight footage. 
-Zayto still rocking the cape. He's pretty much become a hybrid of the White/Sixth Ranger. He looks like White Vision.

-Zedd giving out fatherly mentor advice to fail ass, Ollie. Never would've saw that coming in a million years.

Ep 5: Rock Out    (4⭐ out of 5)
-The cybernetic arm turned Javi into a
drummer. The outcoming from Billy's advice in episode 3.

-Is that Beetlejuice??? 🤣

-This looks like a new Zord episode.

-Shut up Fern!!! I'm sensing a pattern. 


-Awww Fern kissed Izzy on the cheek.

-GWAR!!!! 🤣🤣💀

-Meat Chrome is pretty good.

-Ollie's dressed like a Bond villain.

-Goddamnit Fern!!!

-Cool Zord
-Shut up Fern!!!
-Cosmic Dragon Zord is far stronger

than Red Dragon Thunderzord.
-Damnit Fern! Izzy is so mad 🤣

-Amelia's mom is giving birth?

-Pretty smart Ollie.

Ep 6: Take Off    (3⭐ out of 5)
-I'm surprised I didn't say shut up Fern when her Izzy refused to let her help Solon.
-Those ningas would've definitely left without Solon. Good job Red Ranger.

-Solon is a meal waiting to happen.
-Is Zayto possessed? 

-I love Billy.

-Shut up Fern! That didn't feel good.

-Is that planet hot?

-The planet is covered in ice now? Not

a creative way of using sentai footage.

-Fern takes Ollie's morpher. I guess this

is how she becomes the Orange Ranger.

-Ugh that was a dumb way for her to

become a Ranger. This is the weakest

episode so far. 

-Girl Power is handling this spaceship. 😎

-Ollie is mad about the spaceship. 🤣

-So Solon is supposed to be the Orange

Ranger instead of Fern. That's some

Mike & Leo bullshit.

-Shut up Ollie!!! 

-You failed and got destroyed Zedd! You also ran when the Machine Empire came. 🤣

Ep 7: Operation Seasoning    (3.5⭐ out of 5)
-Gotta be dunkin' 🤣
-Heckyl had time to hit the villains with his boomerang, morph & give his origin but failed to destroy the forcefield machine that
he was standing next to. 

-Amelia's dad is prep like Batman.

-Zayto finally admits he dying.

-Amelia's dad is giving off JDF vibe

(Rest in Power 🙏). This feels like he

would be the last line of defense. 

-Odd-looking prison. 🤔

-Giant-size Solon.  

-Definitely giving off Tommy vibes. 😭

-Javi and Izzy parents are cool with them

staying behind to help people escape?

Terrible parents.

-Fern fights pretty well for a noob.

-That's a lot of marshmallows. 

-Amelia has a red phone case already???

Ep 8: Switching Sides    (3.5⭐ out of 5)
-Who cares about Squid's daughter.
-Ollie is going to steal that Morphin
Master energy from Zedd for himself.
-They had squid daughter captured

for weeks???

-Support black-owned restaurants. 

-These goofballs. Mucas is pretty cute. I need her number. (I need sleep 😭)

-Hot damn! All the Rangers got their

blasters out on Mucus & Slyther.

-Using magic again Zayto. 😑

-I don't need Mucus number any longer.

-More girl power.

-Momma Squid can fight

-Oh lord this plan won't work. 🤦‍♂️

-Zayto finally comes clean about his


-Ollie is still evil. Wow, Zedd's spell is really strong.

Ep 9: Master Plan  (4⭐ out of 5)
-Oh shit they brought in Papa Billy about Zayto's condition.
-Zedd is livestreaming. 🙄

-Ollie is good again! But that was a suicide move he did. 

-Red Ranger giving Captain America speeches.

-"May the power protect you.

-Eltar city buildings look nothing like the Sentai footage.

-They rescued Ollie way too easily.

-No kiss between Amelia and Ollie? She doesn't love him. 🤣

-That was a weak bomb. Only the ceiling was destroyed.

-R.I.P. Zayto 🙏. Ahhh!!! Aiyon what you do??? 

-Nemesis Beast. 🤣

-Zedd's looks dope! He looks like the powered-up Skeletor from Masters of the Universe movie.

-That was definitely an "N" (for Nemesis Beast).

-Ollie becomes Cosmic Blue Ranger and doesn't even get a new weapon. He's rocking the weapon from his Dark Ranger power. #NoRespect

-Weapons combined formed a Power Blaster.

-Nice shout out to Dark Spector

-They forever losing Zords.

-Did Fern say shit?

-There's the villain betrayal and twist.

-Alien Beetlejuice is back!

-Countdown to Destruction: Part 2.

-This would be a good time for all the Rangers to show up.

Ep 10: The End  (4⭐ out of 5)
Ollie is Cosmic Blue in this opening.
-Aiyon in the afterlife?
-Yooooo!!! Is that Zordon???!!! 😮

-Megazord backup is here!! Ooooeeee!!!

(MMPR, Space, Galaxy, Beast Morpher, 

& Ninja Steel)

-That crack is not good. 😬

-Uncle Billy why your helmet off?

-That was definitely Zordon!!! 😍

-Shut up Fern!!!

-Back to where it began.

-Sharing the danger is the safeword. 😏

-The gunshot got through. 🤣

-Zayto is back. 😑 

-That Rita looks horrible.

-Ah man, Zedd is trapped in Itachi's eternal

genjutsu. 🤣 

-Solon sounds like an old black mother. "My sweet boy."

-Goodbye again Zayto.

-That Power Rangers In Space "let's go home" reference.

-Cosmic Fury sets up the 30th anniversary special. 😮

-Amelia's baby sister is born.

-That Dino Thunder ending.

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What's up Power Ranger fans? Doing a review for Power Rangers Cosmic Fury and as most of you know this is the series finally to the 30-year run of this morphinominal 

franchise. For this 10-episode series, I'm going to be giving my initial commentary reaction thoughts for each episode and bringing it all together like a Megazord at the end so expect semi-spoilers. Now that's said and done let's "link to the Morphin Grid!"

Series Plot: Lord Zedd returns more powerful than ever, Team Cosmic Fury takes to the cosmos to battle the emperor of evil — and save the universe as we know it.

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Overall Review: It's the end of an era 😭! Shout out to creativity & good writing! I like how it flows as one major story yet still gives you the feels of having the monster of the week type episodes too. I watched all 10 episodes at once (twice) and it flowed so nicely like a movie. It felt like I only spent 2 hours instead of 4 watching this. So let's dive in. What were Billy and Mick researching? The Morphin Masters suck for getting captured so easily. Ollie is the worst evil Ranger in the franchise (should do a ranking list for that 🤔). He stayed mad butt hurt throughout this season. Billy was awesome. I wished we could've seen more Rangers in the background. I like the little references throughout the franchise. Everyone did a good job this season. Monster Chrome is my favorite episode. I like how all of them were singing in the Zords as they were flying back to the base. The downfall for me was the storytelling pace. I miss the filler and the Monster of the Week episodes. Like I can't watch a random episode for this series cuz it's too connected, I feel like I have to watch all 10 episodes 😅. You can make a drinking game for every time Solon says "My sweet boy" you take a shot. A lot of low-key girls vs. boys scenes. They made sure to split the team up into girls-boys-only groups. Amelia was great as Red Ranger. She was a natural leader. Kinda disappointed she didn't get a Battlizer/Power-Up mode. I liked seeing Lord Zedd he was enjoyable for the most part but he wasn't my Zedd. Lord Zedd conquering Eltar also proves the Boom Studios comics after Beyond the Grid (issue #40 & up) are not canon. I think it's very cool that Cosmic Fury connects to the MMPR 30th Anniversary Special.

Series Score: 9.2 (Near Mint-)

For more geek-related reviews and content follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Twitter, Threads, and Instagram. Thanks for reading and may the power protect you. 

--The Geekpin 

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#GeekpinEntertainment, #PowerRangers #CosmicFury

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury 

(Series Review)