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Geekpin Entertainment, Hashtag Comics, Special Edition New York, Senyc, Hashtag Studios

Senyc is a real comic convention. It's something I don't see too many anymore outside ofBaltimore Comic-Conand Heroescon. If you're an artist who's trying to get into the industry or an attendee who wants to get a signature from a big name / popular person this is definitely

the con to be at. I spent half the day getting everyone's 

signature where usually it would take most of the weekend

to do. I met a lot of new people along with catching up with

some old friends too. Saw some great cosplays which

reminds me. I need to give a special shout to this Black

Canary in the photo cuz she's one of the few cosplayers that

did the Canary Cry correctly. I saw her from the Hashtag booth

and ran over to her cuz I really wanted a picture of her.

All and all I enjoyed myself. It was a nice of pace convention

wise. I'm looking forward to next year.

      --The Geekpin


      Special Edition New York 2015

Hey gang what's goodie? as some of you know we were at Special Edition NYC last weekend while the cool kids were at Colossalcon. Let me assure you I had no regrets. This was my first year at Senyc (this was Jason's second year) and I personally enjoyed myself there. We teamed up with Hashtag Comics to help promote their booth (check out their comics Tailwands & Carpe Noctem).

Geekpin Entertainment, Jason Chau Photography, Special Edition New York, Senyc

SENYC 2015 Cosplay Highlights

             Photos by Jason Chau