Hey hot geeks, Geekpin here with a spoilerific review on Disney+'s eighth Marvel show, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. This series follows Jennifer Walters, a lawyer specializing in cases involving superhumans, who also becomes the green
superhero She-Hulk. This series hasn't been
liked very much by most geeks and MCU fans.
I'm one of the few people who was...content
watching the series. I'm pinocchioing I liked it
for many reasons such as it being different
from every Marvel project (but not) and the
The Good: I originally thought it was gonna be silly like Ally McBeal. I was hoping to come across a scene with Pug dancing in the bathroom as John did. Instead, we got She-Hulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion but that's close I guess right? The majority of the show is silly like the Sensational series so it didn't bother me like it did most people. It was a good change of pace from all the other superhero shows and movies. Jen basically started off as Iron Man who took the opposite route of Spider-Man (translation:a publicly known super who chose not to go the hero route). Her fourth wall breaking was cool especially when she
went to go see series writer Jessica Gao and
crew. It reminded me of when Deadpool went
to kill the Marvel writers in Deadpool Kills The
Marvel Universe #4. Just like everyone else I
love the cameos such as Hulk, Abomination,
and Wong. Then we have easter eggs such as
the Savage She-Hulk intro homage of the 1978
Hulk show, X-Men & Deadpool existing in the
MCU, and S.H.I.E.L.D. possibly being back
(referring to S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on a folder in front of Jen during the ending credits of each episode) and running again like in the last episode of the series. So the one thing all the Marvel shows (excluding Moon Knight & Ms. Marvel) have in common is the fact it's never about the series character it's secretly about introducing new characters for future MCU projects. For She-Hulk it was introducing Hulk's son Skaar and "The Mutants" along with reintroducing Matt Murdock as Daredevil. The other thing I like about She-Hulk is the fact they introduced a lot of enhanced people (Mr. Immortal was my favorite) which is something we haven't really seen since Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and it makes you wonder where all these enhanced people came from. If you look at all the MCU movies most of our heroes and villains are aliens (Thor & Guardians), magic (Dr. Strange), tech (Iron Man, War Machine,
Sam Wilson, Ant-Man & Wasp), lab experiments (Steve Rogers & Bucky) or highly skilled humans (Black Widow & Hawkeye). So how did all these other people get their powers? Gamma Snap Mutation, Terrigan Crystals (see AOS) or just being a mutant?
The Bad: The only few things I disliked about the series are Jen hardly did any Lawyer cases and when she did she didn't legally win any of her seen cases. Made me originally wonder why she was nominated for an award but I assumed cuz she was a Hulk. I also want to point out Mallory won all her cases (you go gurl!). Her CGI could've been better. I was slightly annoyed looking at Jen when in She-Hulk form. Todd being Intelligencia was lackluster. And the BIGGEST OFFENDER WAS (drum roll)...THE MOTHER EFFIN WRECKING CREW!! Those guys look like a rejected Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These guys are supposed to be Thor villains! As I'm wrapping this review up I'm surprised comic speculator sites such CBSI, CovrPrice and Key Collector didn't take advantage of the hidden QR codes showing off key issues for each episode. When Jen visits "Kevin" you can see a bunch of key comics in the glass cases (one of the YouTubers such as New Rockstars or Screen Crush will name them all for you). As you can see I didn't really spoil the story because I want you guys to watch it for yourselves. For those who want story spoilers or dislike She-Hulk like Hulk King check out Snarky Jay's Youtube reviews (they're pretty entertaining).
Score: 9.2 (Near Mint Minus)
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P.S.- A season 2 was teased. Ribbit and Rip It!
Series Review-
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law
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