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Go back a tiny further to X-Men V2 #1 where this would be his earliest appearance in comics

(non story). It gets a little tricky. The pin-up ("Things To Come") below is the first time time you

see Omega Red but the pin-up itself is only in cover A & E.

X-Men V2 #5 is 1st full cover app of Omega Red.

This is one of our fun segments where we "steal" a topic from another media source and add our 50 cents (aka tweak) to the topic. Let's run it!

A while agCBSI Comics did a True Firsts article on Omega Red. They stated What If? V2 #33 was the 1st appearance of Omega Red (NOTE:They updated saying it's in story tie with

X-Men #4). I just want to declare X-Men V2 #4 is Omega Red's 1st full appearance. Now with that said Omega Red has made many cameos and an early appearance in comics before his 1st full app.

X-Men V2 #2 he's seen on one page inside a casket. 

Now, If you had cover E not, only did it have the pin-up but it also had concept designed sketches

of Omega Red by Jim Lee.

Bonus Round

Twilite Zone Comics, Geekpin Entertainment, Glen Burnie, Maryland, Comic Shops

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Well that's all for "Steal A Topic Saturday". Hope you enjoy this little bit of info. Don't forget to follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can follow me personally on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks again. Stay geeky, gang.

​  --The Geekpin

          Steal A Topic Saturday:

True 1st Appearance of Omega Red

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Zapp Comics, Comic Shop, New Jersey, Omega Red