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Geekpin Entertainment
Go back a tiny further to X-Men V2 #1 where this would be his earliest appearance in comics
(non story). It gets a little tricky. The pin-up ("Things To Come") below is the first time time you
see Omega Red but the pin-up itself is only in cover A & E.
X-Men V2 #5 is 1st full cover app of Omega Red.
This is one of our fun segments where we "steal" a topic from another media source and add our 50 cents (aka tweak) to the topic. Let's run it!
A while ago CBSI Comics did a True Firsts article on Omega Red. They stated What If? V2 #33 was the 1st appearance of Omega Red (NOTE:They updated saying it's in story tie with
X-Men #4). I just want to declare X-Men V2 #4 is Omega Red's 1st full appearance. Now with that said Omega Red has made many cameos and an early appearance in comics before his 1st full app.
X-Men V2 #2 he's seen on one page inside a casket.
Now, If you had cover E not, only did it have the pin-up but it also had concept designed sketches
of Omega Red by Jim Lee.
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Steal A Topic Saturday:
True 1st Appearance of Omega Red