Clickbait to talk about Wonder Woman v6 #5
by Tom King & Daniel Sampere
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Tom King "cleverly" drags his Wonder Woman run with a Batman vs Superman fight via PlayStation 5 between Donna Troy and Diana.
This was funny in several ways. Donna chose Batman cuz ideally "Batman is unbeatable" and she thought she had the advantage over Diana. Diana picks Superman because ideally, Superman should never lose to Batman. While Diana doesn't play video games she does adapt and learn fast. It proves Batman's theory that Wonder Woman is the most dangerous person on Earth. Donna telling Diana not to throw the controller at the TV when she lose is funny because she ended up being the one to do so cuz she lost. Lastly, The Geekpin calls Tom King the "King of Easter Eggs" (even though he received no love for The Human Target) with Donna wearing a Teen Titans Go shirt and them playing a video game where it's Batman vs Superman could be a reference to Cyborg (who taught Donna how to play video games) and Toyman playing as those two in Justice League Action.
Superman BEATS Batman!!
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