5. Silk

​​​​​​2. Psylocke

-First Asian mutant superhero. Sunfire was part of the new X-Men team when they had to save the original team. If Marvel Studios is going for the whole POC thing Sunfire should be one of the characters they introduce when the X-Men make their MCU debut.

Hey geeks & geekettes? We have a special Top 10 list for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Same deal with the Top 10 list for Black History Month. I asked a bunch of people who are knowledgeable, not knowledgeable, and culturally appropriate to name 10 Asian superheroes from the top of their brains. Enough talk, let's do this! 

--Jason Chau

Geekpin Entertainment, Contropolis NJ, Contropolis
Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

7. Katana

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-The sexiest Asian female character in comics! Psylocke is kinda a controversial character in Asian culture due to a mind swap with the British mutant named Betsy Braddock. The Psylocke everyone knows and loved for years has been a British woman in an Asian woman's body.

9. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

4. Cassandra Cain

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-One of the most annoying characters in comics. Well not many people cared for this character in the early comic years and the 90s X-Men cartoon. Jubilee is a well-known Asian American character from being a part of the X-Men and Wolverine's sidekick. You can tell writers didn't know what to do with her because over the years she got her own team, and became a vampire and a mother. 

-Kong Kenan is a 17-year-old high school student from Shanghai who stood up to a local supervillain, which was captured on social media and he was chosen by Doctor Omen of the Ministry of Self-Reliance to be the new Super-Man of China. Kenan was given superpowers by an unusual form of kryptonite infused with Superman's qi, which was imbued with the life force of the recently deceased New 52 Superman. I wish they gave him another series or make a Justice League of China series.

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Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-The most-baddest (Asian) fighter in comics. Cassandra is a force to be reckoned with. She was deprived of speech and human contact during her childhood as conditioning to become the world's greatest assassin. In the comics, she was the third canon Batgirl and years later became Black Bat, Orphan & again Batgirl. This mute character has more personality than Silk. Pay no attention to the Cassandra in Birds of Prey. That was an abomination of the character. That character should've been Stephanie Brown.

There are so many more Asian Superheroes to talk about that people may not know. We're hoping we can cover more this year and not just for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. ​​For more geek-related content follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook

Twitter, and Instagram. Thanks for reading, stay geeky, gang.

-Quite a bit of people didn't realize this Pakistani-American Super Hero was part of the AAPI. Kamala Khan protects the streets of Jersey City with her one-of-a-kind embiggening power. Supposedly she's the "new Spider-Man" of the MCU.

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-Kinda a confusing character. A lot of people know who she is but she doesn't seem to stand out as a character even though she has seven(?) solo titles. She's pretty much like Moon Knight when it comes to the public they're just waiting for to appear in Spider-verse or the MCU.

6. Mighty Morphin Yellow Power Ranger (Trini Kwan)

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes


Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-The Master of Kung Fu himself, Shang-Chi. Described as the greatest martial artist alive (probably in all of comics), Shang-Chi has been trained since birth to be the ultimate fighter with a specialization in various unarmed and weaponry-based wushu styles, including the use of the gùn, nunchaku, and jian. Shang-Chi later assumes leadership of the Five Weapons Society and acquires the Ten Rings weapons. Shang-Chi is a fan favorite with older comics fans and MCU fans.

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

8. Sunfire

Super-Man of China

-Jimmy Woo is an ancient comic secret (that's not going to go over well ). He's a Marvel character from the Atlas Comics era. He would show up here and there throughout the Marvel years. Now that he is in the MCU quite a bit of people know who he is.

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-The first Asian Power Ranger. Trini is the original Yellow Ranger. She's been very popular lately due to late actress Thuy Trang's former cast members making a tribute special for the series' 30th anniversary. The character's legacy will live on through her daughter.

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes
Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-The majority of people know Katana from the Suicide Squad movie and Arrow. She's been around in comics since the 1980s and has appeared in several DC cartoons.

3. Jubliee

Geekpin Entertainment, Jimmy Woo, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

10. Jimmy Woo

Geekpin Entertainment, There Can Be Only Vaughn, King of the Marks

1. Shang-Chi

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