#GeekpinEntertainment #DC #Marvel #Top10SuperheroesWearingCoats #Comics

​6. Rogue

The superhero queen of wearing a jacket as part of her costume. Black Canary came out the gates wearing a leather jacket back in 1947! She's the first superhero to wear a jacket as part of her costume. ​

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2. Blade

A lot of people don't like this costume but I think it's better than his wearing black suit and the rings around his head

The superhero king of wearing coats is the Raging Cajun Gambit! I can not picture Gambit not wearing a trench or raincoat when in action. They tried to make him coatless and wear a bomber jacket at one point but that's a no-go. Original design all the way. Don't mess with the Colonel's recipe like Barney Stinson says.

10. 90s Avengers

Greetings fellow geeks and geekettes. Recently (last week) I saw Dan Mora post this upcoming Nightwing variant and it had me

thinking about the 90s when almost every

superhero was either wearing a jacket,

armor, pouches, or a mallet. Then it had

me thinking about what superheroes look

good wearing a jacket or coat hence how

the topic of this Top List was born. So here

are the top 10 superheroes who can pull

off wearing a coat/jacket while saving the day! 

NOTE: Many of these heroes had multiple

costumes over the years but I ranked them

based on how well the coat made them look

vs. being coat/jacket-less.

#GeekpinEntertainment #DC #Marvel #Top10SuperheroesWearingCoats #BlackCanary

Since his debut Blade has usually worn some kind of a coat to help carry and conceal his weapons.

5. Black Canary

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4. Havok

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7. Dazzler

Outside of the original Ghost Rider, whether it's Johnny, Danny, Robbie, or even Alexandra, The Ghost Rider always wears some form of leather jacket as part of its design.

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Her 90s costume was her best design overall but I like the mix of her 80s costume with a jacket.

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Rogue's most iconic costume. She had a lot of costumes prior to this but this one stuck for a few years before it got altered a bit til eventually she took the jacket off.

9. Jubilee

That's my list of the best-looking superheroes wearing coats. Should I make a Top 10 list of the worse-looking superheroes wearing a coat? For more geek-related content follow Geekpin Entertainment on FacebookTwitterInstagramand Threads. Thanks for reading, stay geeky.

     --Jason Chau

8. Polaris

More of recent design but I really like this look. I could've sworn she wore a jacket during the 90s along with Havok and Multiple Man.

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Top 10 Superheroes

Who Wore Coats Best

Somehow this ugly yellow trenchcoat made her fashionably appealing.

Had to do this as a group because I couldn't decide between Sersi (she's the best one), Black Widow, Crystal, and Black Knight (he's the worst).

3. Ghost Riders

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1. Gambit

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