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10. Cassie Chan (Turbo / Space Pink Ranger)

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I had to give an honorable mention to Dulcea because one--she's not canon

to the franchise and two-- she was the most voted for by landslide. Given the thread, everyone who was mostly mentioned is from the original Saban era. 

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--Jason Chau

5. Kimberly Hart (MM PinkRanger)

2. Astronema (PRIS)

Duclea (PR The Movie)

​1. Divatox (Turbo)

It's Morphin Time, geeks and geekettes! Today's Top 10 comes from a Facebook post (photo above) I saw while scrolling my newsfeed. We're going to keep it simple with a straight list and no commentary. We're going down the list with the Top 10 characters who were mentioned the most in the comments by random fans. Now let's see who made the list. 

8. Sarah (Ninja Steel Pink Ranger)

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R.I.P. Thuy Trang

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Power Rangers, Top 10, Power Rangers Ninja Steel

6. Scorpina (MMPR)

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4. Katherine (MM / Zeo / Turbo Pink Ranger)

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