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Top 10:

Best Batman Stories of the 21st Century...So Far

Geekpin Entertainment, Contropolis NJ, Contropolis

-Batman is pushed to his limit as he sets off in search of an item with the potential to destroy the universe as we know it! Batman isn't the only one looking for this item though. It's a race to the finish line with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance! The Riddler has stolen a priceless jeweled egg, and Batman is on his trail, chasing him from Gotham to Gorilla City and points beyond. But when Batman catches up with the crook, he realizes something is wrong with his old foe. The egg is possessed of some strange power that is scrambling Riddler's brain. The clue to what this is may lie in who hired Riddler to steal the egg: Vandal Savage. What does the immortal mastermind want with it? Batman's quest is like a tour of the DC Universe, spanning space and even time. Guest stars include Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Deathstroke, Jonah Hex, and more!

Issue:Batman Universe #1-6

-After a series of brutal murders rocks Gotham City, Batman begins to realize that perhaps these crimes go far deeper than appearances suggest. As the Caped Crusader begins to unravel this deadly mystery, he discovers a conspiracy going back to his youth and beyond to the origins of the city he's sworn to protect. Batman has heard tales of Gotham City’s Court of Owls: that the members of this powerful cabal are the true rulers of Gotham. The Dark Knight dismissed the stories as rumors and old wives’ tales. Gotham was his city. Until now. A brutal assassin is sinking his razor-sharp talons into the city’s best and brightest, as well as its most dangerous and deadly. If the dark legends are true, his masters are more powerful predators than Batman could ever imagine.

Issue:Batman V2 #1-6/7-11

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes
Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Batman, Batman Day
Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

8. Emperor Penguin

-​​Superman's powers leap into the body of The Dark Knight! Now Batman contains the incredible abilities of a Kryptonian while

The Man of Steel stands powerless. How

will they adjust physically and

psychologically to these bizarre changes? 

The Man of Steel attempts to help The

Dark Knight learn how to control his

newfound superpowers. But the Caped

Crusader let his new abilities go to his

head. Meanwhile, Clark deals with

suddenly being powerless and unable to

protect the world, while the now

super-powered Dark Knight takes his

crusade worldwide, but one man stands

in his way: his original protege, Nightwing!

Meanwhile, the all-too-human Superman

teams up with Zatanna to unravel the

mystery behind the loss of his powers! The

World's Finest face off against the JLA and their greatest foes each other! The powerless Superman battles the unstoppable Batman with the soul of The Dark Knight hanging in the balance.

​Issues:Superman Batman #53-56

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Batman, Batman Day
Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

10. Super Bat

1. Public Enemies

4. Rise and Fall of The Batmen

5. Born To Kill

-At the bar Porky's, Elmer Fudd confronts Bugs "The Bunny" for the murder of his lover, Silver St. Cloud, and declares his intent to kill him. While the two take in the atmosphere of the bar and its patrons (who are all also humanized versions of various Looney Tunes characters), Bugs convinces Elmer to spare his life by informing him that he was hired to kill Silver by Bruce Wayne. As Elmer makes his way to Wayne Manor, he thinks back to a previous romantic encounter with Silver, where he professes his love to her and she admits that she once had romantic feelings for Bruce Wayne. After a chance meeting with billionaire Bruce Wayne, Elmer Fudd’s obsession quickly escalates into stalking him through the dark alleys and high-class social settings of Gotham City. Welcome to Bat Season! 

Issue:Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Batman, Batman Day
Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Batman, Batman Day
Geekpin Entertainment, Batman, Batman Day

3. Court of Owls / Night of the Owls

Happy Batman Day! We made a Top List of the best Batman stories for the 21st century. All the stories are in continuity to either Post Crisis or New 52/Rebirth with a few page highlights. No Elseworld stories. Let's go! 

--The Geekpin

9. Batman / Elmer Fudd

​​​​​​2. Batman and Son

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- An elite fighting force modeled after the Dark

Knight has invaded the streets of Gotham.

Their armor, weaponry and surveillance

equipment are based on Batman’s tech and

tactics, but they’re far beyond anything he’s

ever seen. And while these Batmen’s motives

remain a mystery, their targets are all too

clear…They’re gunning for Gotham’s vigilantes.

Batman knows he can’t face this foe alone,

and neither can the crime-fighters caught in the

crossfire. So with Batwoman—secretly Bruce

Wayne’s cousin, Kate Kane—as his general,

he’s organizing the next generation of Gotham

heroes into an army. Tim Drake, a.k.a. Red Robin.

Stephanie Brown, a.k.a. Spoiler. Cassandra Cain,

a.k.a. the Orphan. And reformed criminal Basil

Karlo, a.k.a. Clayface. These are the shock troops in Batman and Batwoman’s war. When they finally see the face of their true enemy, will they stand together…or fall apart?

Issue:Detective Comics #934-940

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Batman Day

-It's a new day in Gotham City, and it's anything but the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to pick up the pieces and step up his game. He has a new plan for Gotham City, and he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well that's just the start of a conspiracy that will rock Batman's world. Who is the mysterious master criminal known as the Designer, and what dark secret do they share with The Joker, Penguin, Riddler, and…Catwoman? And what do their machinations mean for Gotham? Plus, meet Punchline, The Joker's new partner in chaos!

Issue:Batman V3 #89-94

-Oswald Cobblepot has a plan. No longer content with merely being the crime lord, the Penguin, yearns for the love of Gotham City. All he has to do is call a hit on Bruce Wayne, and in one night, the Penguin goes from notorious criminal to beloved savior of Gotham. Everything is going exactly according to plan. But when chaos strikes, even the best plan crumbles. And when Joker returns to Gotham, chaos comes with him. Now, with Penguin temporarily out of commission and Batman busy trying to stop Poison Ivy and a group of Joker-obsessed maniacs, a new threat creeps in from the sidelines. He calls himself Emperor Penguin. He’s everything Penguin was and more. And he’s bad news for Batman…and very bad news for Oswald Cobblepot. 

Issue:Detective Comics V2 #13-19

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

7. Dark Design

-"The World's Finest", also referred to as "Public Enemies", then-U.S. President Lex Luthor declares Superman and Batman enemies of the state, claiming that a Kryptonite asteroid headed for Earth is connected to an evil plot by Superman. Luthor offers a $1,000,000,000 bounty, which encourages both supervillains and superheroes to attack. Superman almost kills Lex, with Batman standing aside. Superman changes his mind at the last moment. The new Toyman, Hiro Okamura, assists with the asteroid's destruction. With the help of Captain Atom, the danger is averted and Luthor's plans are in jeopardy, Luthor injects himself with a mixture of Venom and synthetic Kryptonite, dons a battle suit from the planet Apokolips, and confronts Batman and Superman. In the course of the fight, Luthor is irrevocably exposed to the world as a villain for the first time in Post-Crisis continuity. 

Issue:Batman Superman #1-6

Geekpin Entertainment, Comic Locator

- Alfred tells Batman that he has been so focused on his war on crime that he has started to lose touch with his Bruce Wayne identity. Robin states that he believes a vacation away from Gotham could be beneficial, so Batman decides to attend a

charity event at the London Pop Art Museum where

he can spend time rejuvenating the playboy Bruce

Wayne's identity. One woman who intrigues him is

millionaire Jezebel Jet, a former supermodel and

newly named leader of a small African country. They

chat for a while before she claims that she does not

want to be one of Bruce Wayne's conquests.

Meanwhile, Langstrom is confronted by Talia al Ghul,

who threatens that if he does not give his Man-Bat

serum to the League of Assassins she will poison

his wife Francine, rendering her blind and crippled.

Inside, the party is interrupted as an army of ninja

Man-Bats attacks. Bruce changes to his Batman

costume and faces down the army in an effort to

save the attendants of the gala until he is rendered

unconscious. When he awakens, he finds out he has 

a son, named Damian, being born from a love affair between him and Talia al Ghul, the daughter of his nemesis, Ra's al Ghul. The boy had been trained from birth by the League of Assassins and was sent by Talia to live with Batman in a plot to disrupt his crime-fighting and distract him. 

Issue:Batman V1 #655-658

Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Asian Superheroes

-Batman begins battling evil with his son, Damian, at his side, Batman now realizes that the hardest part of the job may be trying to work together! As Batman and Robin try to adjust to their new partnership, a figure emerges from Bruce Wayne's past: His name is NoBody, and he's not happy that Batman Incorporated is shining a light on his own shadowy war against evil...

Issue:Batman & Robin V2 #1-8

6. Batman Universe