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9. Threnody

4. Moses Magnum

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #DC #PapaMidnite

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     --The Geekpin

A special Black Heritage Month Top 10 list of the best REAL black supervillains in comics since no one ever talks about them.

First Appearance: Black Lightning v2 #2

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #DC #Painkiller
#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #BlackTalon
#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #DC #TattooedMan

First Appearance: Avengers #152

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #DC #BlackManta

10. Black Talon 

(Desmond Drew)

7. Painkiller

6. Black Mariah

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #MosesMagnum

First Appearance: X-Men v2 #27

3. Man-Ape

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #DC #BlackManta
#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #BlackMariah

First Appearance: Aquaman v1 #35

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #Killmonger
#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #Threnody

5. The Prowler

(Aaron Davis)

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #TheProwler #AaronDavis #IronSpider

2. Killmonger

First Appearance: Hero for Hire #5

8. Tattooed Man III

(Mark Richards)

First Appearance: Green Lantern v4 #9

First Appearance: Giant-Size Spider-Man #4

Top 10:

Black Super-Villains 

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #Nightshade
#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #Hardcore

1. Black Manta

First Appearance: Avengers #62 

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #ManApe

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First Appearance: Jungle Action #6

#GeekpinEntertainment #BlackSuperVillains #Top10 #Comics #Marvel #ManApe

First Appearance: Ultimate Spider-Man v2 #1

Spider-Man v2 #234 (as Iron Spider)