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Geekpin Entertainment
10. Luke Cage & Jessica Jones
New Avengers Annual v1 #1
9. Rogue & Gambit
X-Men Gold v2 #30
8. Northstar & Kyle Jinadu
Astonishing X-Men Gold v3 #51
6. Rick Jones & Marlo Chandler
Incredible Hulk v1 #418
5. Scarlet Witch & Vision
Giant-Size Avengers v1 #4
(Bonus: Mantis & Swordsman)
3. Cyclops & Jean Grey
X-Men v2 #30
With the recent news of Emma Frost & Tony Stark getting married later in September, I figured this be a good time for a top 10 list of weddings in Marvel Comics.
7. Deadpool & Shiklah
Deadpool v5 #27
4. Black Panther & Storm
Black Panther v4 #18
2. Peter Parker & Mary Jane Watson
Amazing Spider-Man Annual v1 #21
1. Mister Fantastic & Sue Storm
Fantastic Four Annual v1 #3
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