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Geekpin Entertainment
Strange Tales #89 (1st Fin Fang Foom)- Hoping he will be used somehow by The Mandarin in the upcoming Shang-Chi film. The closest appearance of him was seen on a banner in the first Iron Man film.
Speculation Chances: 50%
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 (1st Wave, Crescent, Io, Luna Snow & U.S. app of Aero)- Shang-Chi will be the film with a powerhouse full of Asian actors so why not add the New Agents of Atlas?
Sub-keys:War of the Realms: NAOA #2 (1st Swordmaster)
Speculation Chances: 50%
Avengers V1 #69 (1st Squadron Sinister)- Given the Doctor Strange sequel is about the multiverse it's a highly good chance this would be the origin point on how to introduce them into the MCU.
Sub-key:Avengers V6 #0 (1st Squadron Supreme).
Speculation Chances: 50%
Marvel Spotlight #2 (1st Werewolf By Night)- The Doctor Strange sequel is also supposed to be a horror film so why not introduce a supernatural horror character?
Speculation Chances: 20%
Magik #1 (1st Illyana as Magik)- Doctor Strange 2 is opening the doors for a lot of mystical/horror characters to appear.
Sub-key: Her 1st appearance is in Giant-Size X-Men #1 as a youngling.
Speculation Chances: 20%
Fantastic Four Annual #6 (1st Franklin Richards)- Franklin Richards could be a major key player in bringing the "Mutants" and Fantastic Four to the MCU if they wanted to play the reality-warping game. They could do a reverse Heroes Reborn within the MCU.
Speculation Chances: 10%
X-Man #15 (1st Onslaught)- Same as Franklin, Onslaught could be responsible for the mutants' (and possibly the FF) appearance/disappearance in the MCU.
Sub-key: 1st full appearance is in X-Men V2 #53.
Speculation Chances: 10%
Uncanny X-Men #184 (1st Forge)- Mutants will probably be introduced slowly throughout Phase 4. Forge would be a great addition to the MCU. He's a mutant who can create anything he can think of. He created the X-Men's holographic Danger Room and the new Blackbird in X-Men V2 #1.
Speculation Chances: 50%
Uncanny X-Men #166 (1st Lockheed)- With the semi-introduction of S.W.O.R.D. in Far From Home post-credit, we'll see more extraterrestrials such as Lockheed roaming around The Peak.
Speculation Chances: 50%
Giant-Size Avengers #4 (Proposal & Wedding of Vision & Wanda)- It's a possibility the two will tie the knot in WandaVision.
Speculation Chances: 50%
Sgt Fury and The Howling Commando #1 (1st Nick Fury)- Rumor has it the original Nick Fury will appear in Doctor Strange 2. Nothing has been confirmed yet.
Speculation Chances: 20%
Avengers V1 #6 (1st Masters of Evil)- Everyone is spec-ing on the Thunderbolts but you should be spec-ing on the Masters of Evil (mostly cuz that's who the Thunderbolts really are). With Helmut Zemo appearing in Falcon and Winter Soldier it's a good possibility he'll form the Masters of Evil and later turn them into the Thunderbolts.
Sub-key: Strange Tales #141 (1st Fixer), Captain America #168 (1st Helmut Zemo), Captain America #192 (1st Meteorite), Marvel Team-Up #54 (1st Screaming Mimi), Strange Tales #123 (1st Beetle), Avengers V1 #21 (1st Power Man & Iron Man Annual #7 as Goliath)
Speculation Chances: 50%
Amazing Spider-Man #141 (1st Mysterio II)- With the original Mysterio in theory gone a new person can pick up the mantle of Mysterio and officially form the Sinister Six.
Speculation Chances: 50%
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (1st Sinister 6)- Fans really want to see the Sinister Six on the big screen and they're all pretty much there waiting for their proper MCU debut.
Speculation Chances: 50%
Age of Ultron #10 (1st Angela in the MCU)- Valkyrie needs a queen. Nuff said.
Sub-keys: Spawn #9 and Angela #1
Speculation Chances: 50%
Defenders #17 (1st Wrecking Crew)- Seeing Jane Foster will become Thor in Love & Thunder. Not knowing how she will become Thor is a mystery but it's a possibility the Wrecking Crew (or a member or two) can be created in a similar way too.
Sub-Key: 1st Wrecker (aka Dirk Garthwaite) is Thor #148.
Speculation Chances: 50%
Exiles #1 (1st Exile)- The Exiles would make a great introduction to a post-credit scene for Doctor Strange 2. The Exiles can follow up in Phase 5 when the Timebreakers chose to seek out champions to correct changes to various realities.
Speculation Chances: 10%
Amazing Spider-Man #25 (1st Spider-Slayer Mark I & Spencer Smythe)- With Spider-Man wanted for the murder of Mysterio there's a chance of Spencer Smythe showing up to create the Spider-Slayer. In my personal opinion, the Spider-Slayer will probably be created by the Tinker.
Speculation Chances: 10%
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #19 (1st Alistaire Smythe)- Alistaire could appear to help Spencer build the Spider-Slayer or become it.
Speculation Chances: 10%
Marvel Team-Up #100 (1st Meeting of Storm & Black Panther)- This book is mostly acknowledged as 1st Karma. Rumors of Storm appearing in Black Panther 2 would make this a great book to pick up.
Speculation Chances: 20%
--The Geekpin
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