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On October 6, 2015, we're going to transform and roll out for Transformers: Devastation! 

Transformers: Devastation is an upcoming action hack-and-slash video game based on the Transformers franchise developed by Platinum Games and published by Activision. It is set to be released on Microsoft WindowsPlayStation 3PlayStation 4Xbox 360, and Xbox One

You'll be able to play as one of five AutobotsOptimus PrimeBumblebeeSideswipe

Wheeljack, and Grimlock as they battle against ​Decepticon forces in large 3D environments. Gameplay will include fast-paced combos as well as the ability to switch between Vehicle and Robot mode. From watching the trailer Transformers Devastation looks like a Viewtiful Joe (Cell shaded) Dynasty Warriors (Open field hack/slash) Marvel vs Capcom (fighting combo / super moves) kinda game. The game is part of the Transformers: Generations line, though its visual design is most strongly inspired by the original The Transformers TV series. Several voice actors from the show, including Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), Dan Gilvezan 

(Bumblebee), Michael Bell (Sideswipe), ​​Gregg Berger (Grimlock), and Frank Welker 

(MegatronSoundwave), reprise their respective voice roles. The only downfall the game has are the lack of playable characters and it being a single-player game. Hopefully, this game isn't too expensive. So check out the trailer and tell us your thoughts about this upcoming game. Until next time true believers.

​   --The Geekpin

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, The Geekpin, Transformers, Video Games

Transformers: Devastation

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