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To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Warner Bros., we wanted to review the special two-part episode of Teen Titans Go! that was produced to commemorate and coincide with the 

anniversary release on September 23, 2023. For unknown reasons, the episode was replaced at the last minute by "Intro" (originally supposed to air after "Warner Bros. 100th Anniversary") and a rerun of "Utility Belt". So this will be a two-part review. For now, I'm going to review the episode, "Intro" and review "Warner Bros.100th Anniversary" at a later date. Let's begin. 

​Plot: Control Freak leads the Titans on a chase through various cartoon intro sequences.​ β€‹

Review: It was a fun episode especially if you're into classic Hanna Barbera cartoons & such. I'm going to share my thoughts via each cartoon intro The Titans chased Control Freak through, starting with: 

The Flintstone- I like how the Titans stole Fred's car and Robin's legs couldn't reach the ground to pedal πŸ˜…. They did all the classic intro scenes such as Control Freak sliding down the dinosaur and into a car (looks like he took Barney's car) while yelling "Yabba Dabba Doo!", Beast Boy turning into Dino and sticking his head through Fred's car to look for Control Freak and Cyborg using the Brontosaurs Ribs to tip over Control Freak's getaway car. They had a Yabba Doo time in that intro.

The Jetsons- Cyborg of all people had to steal George's wallet in the intro πŸ˜…. Also, apparently, Cyborg has Rosie's number. 

Scooby-Doo Where Are You!- I like how the Titans integrated themselves into Scooby's intro. Like they were half the reason why the clips were so random in the original intro. It felt like I was watching a behind-the-scenes clip on what really happened in that spooky house. Shout out to whoever came up with the idea of how to fade out of this intro into the next. The only thing wrong about this venture they used the intro song from The New Scooby-Doo Movies instead of Where Are You! 

Batman: The Animated Series- Fading into the dark city known as Gotham, The Titans get hit by an explosion in the bank and Raven calls for Batman's help against Robin's wishes. The Titans chased Control Freak up to the roof where he had the pleasure of getting beat up by The Dark Knight. I like how The Titans got Robin in trouble and Batman gives him the "Bat Glare". πŸ€£

Teen Titans- On to the final intro where the Titans and CF 🎢can see it all🎢 from the set of the original Teen Titans series. The Titans were digging this version of Titans Tower and Control Freak was trying to get them to leave. Of course, The Titans pimpagely got rid of the original Teen Titans and remade the classic intro in their image. 

Score: 9.2 (Near Mint-)

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Episode Review:

Warner Bros 100th Anniversary 

Part 1: "Intro"

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