In the Wildstorm comics, after Lion-O left
to complete his training in the Book of
Omens. At the same time, Cheetara and
the other ThunderCats are enslaved by
the Mutants for five years and during that
time she's subject to constant humiliation.
Tygra who helped Cheetara heal her emotional wounds. Cheetara relies on him to recover from the terrible times she went through. And it's with
Tygra she begins a stable relationship.
Fifteen years later Tygra and Cheetara
become a couple, the King's Elite Guards
and are the parents of the New
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Geekpin Entertainment
Cheetara's most notable physical ability is her super speed, which she uses in combat to evade and dodge attacks with ease. Tygra clocked her jogging speed as "thirty seconds for the mile"
(120 mph) implying her top speed to
be significantly higher than that.
Cheetara's amazing speed has often
saved the other ThunderCats from
deadly situations. Once when Tygra
ventured into a mysterious cave, he found himself beginning to age rapidly, Cheetara was the only one who could get in and out of the cave fast enough to save Tygra from death. At her peak, Cheetara can sustain her top speed for about 2 miles before succumbing to exhaustion.
She also has an ability called her "Sixth Sense",
which gives her the ability to see past and future
events, although this was very taxing, she used
to consider it a curse. The visions could come
at random and when she forced them to appear,
it could take days or weeks for her to recover.
With Lynx-O's help her powers no longer harm
her and has better control. Her specialized
weapon is a retractable bo staff, which could
extend to any length and shoot out energy
beams. When retracted her staff is attached to a cuff on her left arm when not in use.
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Special character spotlight for Women's History Month.
Cheetara had left the doomed planet of Thundera with her fellow ThunderCats. Leaving behind the planet, she was given an outfit and Bo-Staff to help defend herself on their new homeworld by Jaga. After going into animated suspension to make the journey to the new planet
chosen as the ThunderCats' new home. She was then revived with the other ThunderCats when they reached their new home on Third Earth.