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Zenescope Entertainment Announces      Their 2nd Annual VIP Comic Fest

Salutation fellow geeks, Zenescope Entertainment officially announces their 2nd Annual VIP Comic Fest set to be held in downtown Philadelphia. Taking place August 9th and 10th, the festival is exclusive to Zenescope VIP Members

The VIP Comic Fest is a weekend-long celebration that gives Zenescope's most loyal fans a chance to meet and hang with their favorite Zenescope creators. The creator lineup includes featured artists Elias Chatzoudis, Dawn McTeigue, Eric Basaldua, and Anthony Spay; Zenescope co-founders and writers Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco; and Executive Editor and writer, Dave Franchini. VIP members will not only have access to new releases and rare products, but they will also be able to get their Zenescope collections signed by any or all of the amazing artists and writers attending this exciting, can’t miss weekend.

The first event of the weekend will be held Friday, August 9th, from 6:00 to 9:30 PM at Helium Comedy Club, where comedian D.L. Hughley will make guests laugh until their stomachs hurt. Free food and beverages are provided before the show.

The second main event, the VIP Comic Fest, takes place Saturday, August 10th, from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Center for Architecture and Design in downtown Philadelphia. The itinerary for this “Zenescope Comic-Con” includes games, such as cornhole, darts, and beer pong; a drawing hour with artists; trivia; raffles; and much more. Fans can trade with other Zenescope collectors and get their comics graded by an official CGC representative.

Cosplay model, Sarah Cox, will also be appearing as one of Zenescope’s fan-favorite characters. Sarah will be available for photos with attendees throughout the day.

The third and final event of the weekend is the Saturday night after-party at Philadelphia’s Hard Rock Cafe, from 7:30 to 10:30 PM. Here attendees can enjoy free food and drinks with the rest of the Zenescope family.

For more details on this event and purchase tickets at https://zenvipcomicfest.com/. I'm going to have to come and party in the Zenescope Universe for my birthday.

​--The Geekpin

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