​​-My Thoughts: So the story starts off with Max Mercury & Impulse bonding by feeling the flow of the Speed Force. As they were embracing it something knocked the fuck out of them. The Flash (Wally West--honestly thought it was going

to be Barry) is fighting a bunch of advanced

tech gorillas in between saving surrounding

innocents at the same time and for some

reason, the Speed Force is hurting him.

After an indigo speedster streak by Gorilla

Grodd pulled his troops out. We get a

glimpse of the West's household with the

Tornado Twins' super-speeding around

constantly while Linda is breastfeeding 

(in several panels) and trying to tell Wally she wants to go back to work. Speaking of work Wally had to get to work and not be late even though he works for Michael Holt aka Mister Terrific. An unknown figure & Mr. T were reviewing some cosmic readings before Wally arrived at work. The unknown figure left and Wally came to see what Mr. Terrific wanted. He showed Wally some footage of Jay Garrick & Jessie Quick fighting Grodd's gorillas and asked if there was anything wrong with the Speed Force. Wally had this weird image and basically lied to the "uber genius". Meanwhile, the West Kids are at school, and Irey superspeed to the boiler room where her brother Jai locked himself in. For some reason, he was half naked (missing a shirt) and was doing something unknown with an action figure-sized man in there (another mystery I assumed would be revealed in #3). The techno gorillas appear again and Wally's on the scene getting fucked by the Speed Force. In the middle of the battle Mr. Terrific calls Flash to alert him about the gorilla attack but he's already on the scene and they start to have a semi-comedic conversation. The indigo streak speedster named Chad tried to help and was trapped in Grodd's in some kind of energy sphere. Something went wrong and Chad was no more and the Uncoiled are coming.

The best thing I liked was the intro credits.

The flow & coloring reminded me of last week's

Predator vs. Wolverine. I never cared for Mike

Deodato's art and his son is following in his

father's footsteps quite nicely 😏. The story has

a lot going on that can make you want to keep

reading after this issue. Me personally, I don't

want to because I don't care for the art. 


-Score: 7.5 (Very Fine-)

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Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, The Geekpin, Comics, First Issue

Usagi Yojimbo: Ice & Snow #1

Creative Team: Stan Sakai (W/A) & HiFi Colour Design (C)

-Synopsis: Usagi and Yukichi are still in the snowy mountaintops of Northern Japan, following Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo story arc, "The Green Dragon." They are led to the hut of a strange woman hermit who allows them to spend the night. Meanwhile, the maniacal Jei and his familiar, Keiko, are on Usagi's trail when they stumble upon a bandit lair and subdue the band of cutthroats and thieves.​

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​​​-My Thoughts: A new story starring Usagi Yojimbo and the new character, his cousin, Yukichi! Follows directly after the story The Green Dragon. Usagi and Yukichi are walking through the freezing snow trying to find shelter. All of sudden some bandits tried to jump the rabbit samurais but they learned they didn't stand a chance and retreated. All of sudden Usagi gets this weird feeling that starts to instinctly lead him somewhere. Elsewhere in the snowy forest Jei & Keiko are also traveling for shelter & food. Out of nowhere, Jei stabs a big ass pile (or lump) of snow in which he caught a decent size lizard for Keiko to eat once they find shelter. Back to the Rabbit Samurais, Usagi found a hut where he & Yukichi could try to get shelter. They met this beautiful shady-looking woman (I say this cuz she looks like Madam Woe from Power Rangers) who offered them a spot to get warm & rest their heads. Elsewhere again, Jei & Keiko walk towards a hut similar to where Usagi & Yukichi are currently to find out it's the home of the bandits from earlier. So they come up in the spot like they own the place. Jei tells some mofos to get away from the fire so Keiko gets warm and tells another mofo to cook the lizard he caught (and everyone is doing what this ninga is saying). So this DC Young Fly lookin' boy (the leader) steps up and throws his dick out (metaphorically speaking) talking all whack about how he's the boss cuz he's the toughest & wanted in 3 different provinces. Jei went into John Winterspoon's (R.I.P. πŸ™) dog catcher mode and grabbed that mofo and choke em and put his stick through his dead ass body which he throws toward his crew looking like Sho-Nuff and asked anyone else. The bandits became submissive real fast, real quick. Back to the Samurai Rabbits, Usagi & Yukichi finished eating and they introduced themselves. We learn the shady-looking lady's name is Yuki (which means snow). They apologized for making her place too warm and said they'd leave. She told them it was fine and no need to leave, they could sleep by the fire and she'd sleep on the colder. Usagi instantly passed the fuck out. Morning arises and Usagi gets cold and decides he'll wake up long enough to throw an extra piece of wood on the fire. When he awoke he found the snow bitch dun transformed into a snow beast who is about to eat his cousin and that's how the story ended.


-Score: 9.8 (Near Mint-Mint)

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So out of the 3 comics, I recommend Usagi Yojimbo if you just want something simple to read. The Flash is the runner-up 😏 comic to check out if you're a Wally West fan or you want to know what's going on with the Speed Force. Power Girl I wouldn't recommend but I will continue to check it out until #3 to see if the story improves or not. If you do pick up Power Girl try to get the Jonboy variant. I try to give every comic passed issue 1 up to the 3rd issue. That's it for this week's 'First Issue'. Let me know if you'll be checking out any of these titles.

​As always for more geek-related reviews and content follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Threads, Twitter, and Instagram. Thanks for reading, stay geeky gang.


--The Geekpin

Every week we'll be reviewing 2-3 first or #1 issue comic that was released on New Comic Book Day. So expect some spoilers and some highlights from the comics.


     --The Geekpin

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​First Issue!! Week 9/27/23 

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, The Geekpin, Comics, First Issue

-My Thoughts: Story continuing from Power Girl Special #1, Power Girl, who now has a secret identity (Dr. Paige Stetler cuz she can't be a "Karen" in these times) πŸ™„ which she used to help host an expensive technology auction on a yacht. New villain named Amalak interrupts the show and fights PG for a bit. Omen and some Atlantean guards help get the people off the boat. Amalak dips out before the bomb explodes which PG astral punched the bomb into (or near) Atlantis. After all that Superman visits Power Girl to send her to Bermuda about a rumor Kryptonian virus that came from her Earth and that's how that issue ended. 


​I just want to clarify I am not a fan of Leah Williams. I thought it was Joshua Williams who was writing this title but I was wrong when I started to read this issue. I think she's a hottie but I never liked any comic story she wrote (this might be the best one). Before I jump in I do want to say the art was pretty good. As far as detailed art this was the best of the 3 comics but Stan was good due to being simple. This issue hands down felt like a Marvel book. It's one of the things I've noticed about these recent Marvel writers that's over at DC. DC characters are about superheroes who are like gods among men but they come over and keep writing them like broken Marvel characters. DC heroes are supposed to be ideally perfect. It gives me a bad taste of the CWverse with Barry & Ollie always questioning themselves if they're doing the right thing or if they're good enough.  Anyway, I'm sidetracking myself, Power Girl feels like I'm reading a Captain Marvel down to the point of Streaky being the DC's Chewie/Goose. Also, she looks like Jewel wearing a jacket and now can dimension punch like America Chavez. I thought her new ability was supposed to take her to the Astral Plane. What do I know Leah gave her the ability. Omen is Mary Jane in my head even though she's probably supposed to sound like Jean Grey. Lastly, for my collectors & speculators, this is the 1st appearance of Amalak, Axel Gust, & Power Girl as Dr. Paige Stetler.

-Score: 6.5 (Fine+)

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, The Geekpin, Comics, First Issue
Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, The Geekpin, Comics, First Issue

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The Flash #1 

Creative Team: Si Spurrier (W) & Deaodato Jr (A)


Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic. His loving family is around him. And yet something is off. Very off. His evolving understanding of his powers has opened Wally to new avenues of sci-fi adventure and attuned his senses to strange new ideas. Something whispers from the dark vibrations beyond the Speed Force, and as Wally experiments with creative new approaches to his powers, he encounters new realms, mysterious allies, and mind-shattering terrors.​

Power Girl #1

Creative Team:Leah Williams (W) & ​

​Eduardo Pansica (A)


After the events of Knight Terrors, a long-dormant Kryptonian threat has returned to take down Superman and his family. Who could possibly stop it? Well, according to the Man of Steel, it’s Power Girl! Witness a road trip race against time as Paige reconnects with her roots to save the world from her deadly past.​