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Plot:In an alternate universe, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers defeated Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, but at a terrible cost…and in the wake

of that tragedy, the team went their separate ways.

Twenty-two years later, the long-disbanded team reunites

to mourn the losses of beloved friends, but Zack and

Billy have some unexpected information to share:

Jason–the Red Ranger, who has long been operating

as a lone vigilante–has disappeared.​ 

Will the remaining Rangers be able to track him down,

especially with a mysterious figure in pursuit?

Reviewing MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE RETURN #1, written by the original Pink Ranger herself, Amy Jo Johnson, along with co-writer Matt Hotson and artist Nico Leon!

My Thoughts: I absolutely love this comic!

Slightly picking up from the 30th Anniversary

issue. The interaction between Kimberly had

with Zack and Billy felt very emotional and

intense. Kimberly going to Canada and

becoming M.I.A. for over 20 years is pretty

much the same thing writer Amy Jo Johnson

did so it had a lot of depth. I can't wait to see

what was so big for the split and the promise

they made to each other. Trini being dead is

like a fixed point in time in the Rangerverse.

Love the art, especially on Zack. Artist Nico

really captured Walter's and the other Rangers

look down. To be honest he should be drawing

the main Power Rangers comic series. I love

the tributes/easter eggs Amy Jo gave to Austin

being a firefighter, Kimberly wearing Tommy's

fish necklace and including the smaller characters such as Ernie (R.I.P.), Bulk & Skull. I have some theories on who Jason was fighting in the Command Center. I love the cliffhanger ending! Yeah, can't wait til issue 2 comes out! 

Comic Spotlight:

Power Rangers: The Return #1

Review Score: 9.9 (Mint)

If you're in the Virginia area Amy Jo will be at Big Lick Comic Con in Roanoke, VA, this

weekend (Feb 10-11, 2024).

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