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Geekpin Entertainment
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Hey geeks and geekettes, it's time for me to talk about the biggest geek event of the year! Of course, I'm talking about San Diego Comic-Con! As some of you know no celebrities and most of the studios in Hollywood didn't attend this year due to the SAG Strike. The strike didn't matter too much for the con. It only mattered for the panels. We would've saw Barbie, Paramount's Star Trek, Amazon'sThe Boys, and probably some HBO content. The guys who attends panels weren't really the collectors' crowd. Comics didn't matter much either. It was mostly collectors and exhibitors hitting the floor at 9 am.
As far as Hall H panels they trickled into the Marvel and
DC panels. The dopes who left the Marvel panel and
TV didn't stay for Skybound'sEnergon Universe and
missed out on the Transformers #1 Ashcan B/W. The
Jim Lee and Friends panel got weird cuz the fire alarm
went off twice and they told us to GTFO. Some people
ran out, then they said it was a false alarm. The Jim Lee
panels were ok. He joked about nobody watching
The Flash. DC gave out pins and Dawn of DC Batman
FCBD books. Marvel, Image, Skybound, Boom (I think Sina Grace was cosplaying as Vegeta wearing the Badman shirt), Whatnot, and DC didn't announce they were giving out exclusives during panels (The Geekpin knew they would).
There were more people on the show floor. DC was better when Graphitti Designs distributed their exclusives and products. I would've bought more but were limited. It was already hard to buy exclusives due to Scott's Collectibles, Comic Tom, and the Whatnot guys hitting Image, Skybound, Boom, DC, and Marvel booths. Spawn books weren't released till Friday morning cuz of shipping issues. Void Rivals was sold out on Friday morning along with J Scott Campbell books selling out on Friday too. Transformers sold out by Saturday. Marvel's line was fucked up. They had a gen pop line and an ADA line which were slow. If you spun the raffle wheel, you got to buy something right away while people waited in line.
Around The Gaslamp and off-site, it was longer lines.
The studios also killed some sites. The nightlife had a
lot of non-crowded events. Outside of the Hellfire Gala
it wasn't hard to get into any after-party for the most part.
Overall to me with the Hollywood stuff not being at the
show made it a regular con so I wasn’t phased by it but
Imran prefers the Hollywood presence. The regular media
didn’t know what to cover without the celebrities. The least
amount of cosplays in the last 2 years. It’s mostly collectors
now. All and all I'm looking forward to next year. See ya next
year SDCC!
Con Review:
San Diego Comic-Con 2023