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Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage

El Dorado

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Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage, #BlueBeetle
Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage, #Spiderman2099

1. Miles Morales

-He would've been higher on the list but due to the Spider-verse movie, Miguel has gained an immense increase in popularity due to the character's performance.

First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 #1

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-The Mexican superhero originally created for diversity purposes for The Superfriends cartoon. In mainstream comics, El Dorado is a member of his country's primary team, Justicia. El Dorado possesses a various array of superhuman abilities such as Illusion Casting,
Optic Force Blasts, Superhuman Strength, Teleportation, and Telepathy. 

First Appearance: Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Amanda Waller #5 

-Marvel's first Latin-American LGBT character to star in a comic book series as the eponymous character. She's always been a low-key fan favorite among the comic community. She's one of Marvel's most notable and powerful female heroes. Her MCU debut was in Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness. 

First Appearance: Vengeance #1. 

Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage, #LaBorinquena

-Yara Flor is the daughter of an Amazon and a Brazilian river god, who becomes the defender of the Esquecida Amazon tribe. Currently Wonder Girl but she debut in the future as the new Wonder Woman. Yara's appearance was inspired by Brazilian model Suyane Moreira.

First Appearance: Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

-One of the first Latino superheroes within Marvel Comics. A mutant from Brazil, Sunspot possesses the ability to absorb and channel solar power. ​

First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel: The New Mutants #4

-Movie speculations really made a lot of these characters relevant and Jessica Cruz is another one. 

First Appearance: DC New 52 Green Lantern #20 (Cameo), 

Justice League V2 #31 (1st Full as Power Ring) & #50 (as Green Lantern)

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Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage
Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage
Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage

8. Roberto Da Costa

6. Robbie Reyes

9. Ava Ayala

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Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage

-One of DC's major Latino superheroes. Vibe is a character that never became popular in the comics. He has the metahuman ability to emit powerful vibratory shock waves. His powers were redefined in DC's New 52 continuity to involve interdimensional physics, posing a significant threat to characters like the Flash. The character's success came from The Flash TV show. 

First Appearance: Justice League of America Annual #2

​​​​​​​​2. Miguel O'Hara

La Borinqueña

-Jaime Reyes as the third Blue Beetle always had some kind of popularity among comic fans. As he appeared in Smallville, Young Justice season show and Batman TB&TB Jaime's popularity grew to eventually have him star in his own movie as the first Latino superhero. 

First Appearance: Infinite Crisis #3 (#5 as Blue Beetle)

-The popularity of the half-Puerto Rican superhero has put him in the #1 spot! Miles is an unstoppable force in the superhero comic community! One day he'll become better than Peter Parker!

First Appearance: Ultimate Fallout #4

7. Francisco Ramone

-A Lot of her popularity is from her appearance in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon and speculators expecting her to appear in the MCU. Ava Ayala is the fifth incarnation of the White Tiger. She is the younger sister of Hector Ayala as well as the aunt of Angela del Toro.

First Appearance: Avengers Academy issue #20 

5. Jessica Cruz

10. Yara Flor

That's our list of the Top Latino Superheroes. As always we're hoping we can cover more this year and not just for Hispanic Heritage Month. ​​For more geek-related content follow Geekpin Entertainment on FacebookTwitter, Threads, and Instagram. Thanks for reading, stay geeky, gang.

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Geekpin Entertainment, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, #YaraFlor
Geekpin Entertainment, Geekpin Ent, Top 10, Latino Superheroes, Comics, Marvel, DC, Hispanic Heritage, #Vibe

-Marisol Rios De La Luz, a student at Columbia University with a major in Earth and Environmental science, is studying abroad in Puerto Rico. Shortly after arriving, she finds out that her classes at the University of Puerto Rico are no longer available due to budget cuts. Disappointed, she decides to create her own lab in the back of her grandfather's café where she will conduct research on the rock samples that she acquires from her exploration of five caves. One night, she goes to Cueva Ventana during a storm and makes a shocking discovery about La Estrella Del Camino, which results in her receiving her powers from Atabex, Huracan, and Yucahu. As a superhero with a commitment to solving Puerto Rico's environmental issues, the people recognize her as their vigilante and La Borinqueña.

First Appearance: La Borinqueña (Graphic Novel)

3. Jaime Reyes

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-A well-known character but not as popular as The Ghost Riders before him. His popularity grew when the character appeared in Agents of SHIELD. 

​First Appearance: All-New Ghost Rider #1

Hey geeks & geekettes? We have a special Top 10 list for Hispanic Heritage Month. Same deal with the Top 10 list for Black History & Asian Heritage Month. I asked a bunch of people who are knowledgeable, not knowledgeable, and culturally appropriate to name 10 Latino superheroes from the top of their brains. Enough talk, let's do this! 

--Jason Chau

Geekpin Entertainment, There Can Be Only Vaughn, King of the Marks

4. America Chavez